BUSI 2003C-BUSI 2003-1 Week 1 Quiz

  • BUSI 2003C-BUSI 2003-1 Week 1 Quiz

BUSI-2003C-1/BUSI-2003-1-Operations- BUSI_2003_Week 1_Quiz


1. Which of the following statement(s) accurately explain supply chains?

2. Four major decision responsibilities of the operations management function include all of the following except:

3. Common inputs to the operations transformation process include all of the following except:

4. The four major operations objectives include all of the following except:

5. It is better to inspect quality of a product rather than to build it into the product.

6. Which of the following statements concerning distinctive competence is incorrect?

7. The three primary business functions include:

8. Value is defined as Price/Benefits.

9. The four elements comprising a firm's Operations strategy consist of all of the following except:

10. Which of the following statements about the development of operations function mission, objectives, and strategies is false?

11. Operations strategy is a functional strategy that can drive the business strategy of the organization.

12. Which of the following statements concerning the development of operations function, mission, objectives, and strategies is true?

13. Which of the following statements concerning a firm's supply chain management strategy is incorrect?

14. Both Service Operations and Manufacturing Operations can be viewed as a transformation process converting the given set of inputs into outputs.

15. A firm would typically use one type of supply chain strategy for its imitative and innovative products.


Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
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