MN 551 Final Exam 2 Week 10

  • MN 551 Final Exam 2 Week 10

MN 551 Final Exam

1. Following a long history of fatigue, weakness, and poor appetite, a 39-year-old male has been diagnosed with hypopituitarism. Which of the following clinical findings would most likely cause his care team to suspect that the man has an additional endocrine disorder from a different source? (Points : 2)

2. A 79-year-old male resident of a long-term care facility has contracted Clostridium difficile and is experiencing consequent diarrhea. Auscultation of the man's abdomen indicates hyperactive bowel sounds. What processes in the man's small intestine are most likely accompanying his current status? (Points : 2)

3. A 51-year-old male professional is in the habit of consuming six to eight rum and cokes each evening after work. He assures the nurse practitioner, who is performing his regular physical exam, that his drinking is under control and does not have negative implications for his work or family life. How could the nurse best respond to the patient's statement? (Points : 2)

4. A nurse practitioner is assessing a 7-year-old boy who has been brought to the clinic by his mother, who is concerned about her son's increasingly frequent, severe headaches. Which of the nurse's following questions is least likely to yield data that will allow for a confirmation or ruling out of migraines as the cause of his problem? (Points : 2)

5. A 51-year-old woman who has been receiving estrogen and progesterone therapy (EPT) for the last 5 years has visited her care provider because her peers have told her about the risks of heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer that could accompany hormone therapy (HT). How should her care provider respond to her concerns? (Points : 2)

6.Chronic anxiety and stress contribute to ulcers. Which of the following effects of the sympathetic nervous system is most responsible for this effect?

7. Following a motor vehicle accident three months prior, a 20-year-old female who has been in a coma since her accident has now had her condition declared a persistent vegetative state. How can her care providers most accurately explain an aspect of her situation to her parents?

8. A 13-year-old female is undergoing rapid development of her breasts after experiencing menarche several months ago. Which of the following hormones are NOT active in the development of her breasts? (Points : 2)9. After surviving an ischemic stroke, a 79-year-old male has demonstrated significant changes in his emotional behavior, with his family noting that he now experiences wide mood swings and exaggerated responses of empathy, anger, and sadness to situations. His care team would most likely attribute these responses to ischemic changes in which of the following brain structures?

10. A 29-year-old woman has been trying for many months to become pregnant, and fertilization has just occurred following her most recent ovulation. What process will now occur that will differentiate this ovulatory cycle from those prior? (Points : 2)

11. A patient with a history of an endocrine disorder exhibits signs and symptoms of hormone deficiency. Which of the following processes would the patient's care team most likely rule out first as a contributing factor? (Points : 2)

12. John presents to the clinic with complaints of scrotal heaviness. Your assessment reveals swelling of the testicle and warm scrotal skin. What would your diagnosis be? (Points : 2)

13. The parents of a 15-year-old boy are frustrated by his persistent inability to fall asleep at a reasonable hour at night, as well as the extreme difficulty that they have in rousing him in the morning. While sleepy after waking, the son claims not to feel drowsy after lunch or in the evening. What is the most likely classification of the boy's sleep disorder? (Points : 2)

14.Following the identification of low levels of T3 and T4 coupled with the presence of a goiter, a 28-year-old female has been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis. In light of this diagnosis, which of the following assessment results would constitute an unexpected finding? (Points : 2)

15. Following a spinal cord injury suffered in a motor vehicle accident, a 22-year-old male has lost fine motor function of his finger and thumb, but is still able to perform gross motor movements of his hand and arm. Which of the following components of his white matter has most likely been damaged?

16. An 11-year-old boy with skin lesions characteristic of ringworm on his trunk has been brought to the family's primary care provider by his mother. Which of the following aspects of the clinician's assessment relates most directly to the suspected diagnosis?

17. Which of the following women is most likely to have a sexually transmitted infection as a contributing factor to her health problem? (Points : 2)

18. Having heard positive reports of the benefits of HT from her sister-in-law and friends, a 49-year-old woman has presented to her nurse practitioner asking to start HT. Her uterus is intact and previous bone scans have indicated low bone density. The patient also has a family history of heart disease. She characterizes her symptoms of menopause as “noticeable, but not debilitating by any means.” Based on the most current research, what is her nurse practitioner's best course of action?

19. A 41-year-old woman has been diagnosed as having a loose body of cartilage in her left knee. What data would be most likely to lead clinicians to this conclusion? (Points : 2)

20. Which of the following situations would be considered pathologic in an otherwise healthy 30-year-old female?

21. A nurse practitioner is providing care for a 68-year-old female whose anxiety disorder is significantly decreasing her quality of life. Which of the following pharmacologic therapies is most likely to benefit the woman?

22. Following exposure to poison oak while camping, a 20-year-old male is experiencing pruritus as a consequence of his immune response to irritants in the plant. What physiologic process best accounts for his complaint? (Points : 2)

23. A care aide at a long-term care facility has informed a resident's nurse practitioner that the 80-year-old woman's eyes appear to be inflamed and her eyelids are caked with sticky secretions. The woman subsequently has been diagnosed with posterior blepharitis. Which of the following treatments is the nurse practitioner likely to initiate? (Points : 2)

24. Which of the following conditions usually improves when a woman is taking oral contraceptives?

25. Which of the following patients on a hospital medical unit is most clearly demonstrating the signs and symptoms of liver failure? (Points : 2)

26. A 29-year-old woman has been diagnosed with otosclerosis after several years of progressive hearing loss. What pathophysiologic process has characterized her diagnosis? (Points : 2)

27. What is stiffness or fixation of a joint called? (Points : 2)

28. The father of an 18-month-old girl noticed a small vesicle on her face several days ago. The lesion ruptured and left a straw-colored crust that remained on the girl's face. The eruption of new vesicles has prompted him to bring the child to the emergency department. Which of the following treatments for the child's skin problem is most likely?

29. A stroke affecting which of the following areas of the brain would be most likely to leave an individual's vestibular system intact and posture and balance maintained? (Points : 2)

30.Long, stretchy cervical mucus that exhibits ferning on a microscope slide is characteristic of which of the following? (Points : 2)

31. During a late-night study session, a pathophysiology student reaches out to turn the page of her textbook. Which of the following components of her nervous system has the highest level of control over her arm and hand action? (Points : 2)

32.A 40-year-old woman has been found to have a deficiency in estrogen. Which of the following physiological phenomena is most likely to remain unaffected? (Points : 2)

33. A 24-year-old woman has presented to an inner-city free clinic because of the copious, foul vaginal discharge that she has had in recent days. Microscopy has confirmed the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis. What is the woman's most likely treatment and prognosis?

34. As part of the diagnostic workup for a patient's long-standingvertigo, a clinician wants to gauge the patient's eye movements. Which of the following tests is the clinician most likely to utilize?

35. A nurse practitioner is providing care for a male patient with a long-standing hiatal hernia. Which of the following statements most accurately captures an aspect of the pathophysiology of hiatal hernias? (Points : 2)

36. A patient with a diagnosis of insomnia is surprised when his physician explains to him that his brain is still highly active during normal sleep. Which of the following statements best captures the character of brain activity during sleep? (Points : 2)

37. While being tackled, a 20-year-old football player put out his hand to break his fall to the ground. Because the intense pain in his wrist did not subside by the end of the game, he was brought to an emergency department where diagnostic imaging indicated an incomplete tear of the ligament surrounding his wrist joint. At the time of admission, his wrist was swollen and had a severely restricted range of motion. What will his care team most likely tell the player about his diagnosis and treatment?

38. A 71-year-old male has been recently diagnosed with a stage III tumor of colorectal cancer and is attempting to increase his knowledge about his diagnosis. Which of the following statements about colorectal cancer demonstrates a sound understanding of the disease? (Points : 2)

39.As a result of oral ingestion of the microorganisms, an individual has contracted H. pylori. Which of the following health problems is the individual now at increased risk for? (Points : 2)

40. Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of normal spermatogenesis?

41. David has an acute exacerbation of Crohn’s disease. Which of the following lab tests would you expect to be decreased? (Points : 2)

42. Which of the following patients is most clearly displaying the signs and symptoms of IBD? (Points : 2)

43. The mother of a 19-week-old infant has brought her baby to a nurse practitioner for assessment because of the baby's persistent weight loss and diarrhea. An intestinal biopsy has confirmed a diagnosis of celiac disease, and the child's mother is anxious to know what caused the disease. Which of the following aspects of the etiology of celiac disease would underlie the explanation that the nurse practitioner provides?

44. Which of the following individuals is likely to have the highest risk of developing tuberculosis osteomyelitis?

45. While on tour, a 32-year-old male musician has presented to the emergency department of a hospital after a concert complaining of severe and sudden abdominal pain. He admits to a history of copious alcohol use in recent years, and his vital signs include a temperature of 38.8°C (101.8°F), blood pressure of 89/48 mm Hg, and heart rate of 116 beats per minute. Blood work indicates that his serum levels of C-reactive protein, amylase, and lipase are all elevated. Which of the following diagnoses would the care team first suspect?


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  • $30.00

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