MN 566 Midterm Exam 4

  • MN 566 Midterm Exam 4

MN 566 Midterm Exam

1. In which of the following situations would referral to a specialist be needed for sinusitis?

2. Severe pain associated with acute otitis media signifies perforation of the tympanic membrane.

3. A patient presents to the clinician complaining of ear pain. On examination, the clinician finds that the patient has tenderness on traction of the pinna as well as when applying pressure over the tragus. These findings are classic signs of which condition?

4. Which drug for AlzheimerÕs disease should be administered beginning at the time of diagnosis?

5. What is usually the first sign or symptom that a patient would present with that would make you suspect herpes zoster?

6. African American patients seem to have a negative reaction to which of the following asthma medications?

7. Which of the following would be considered the research design for Level VI evidence?

8. Which of the following would be considered the research design for Level I evidence?

9. Sinusitis is considered chronic when there are episodes of prolonged inflammation with repeated or inadequately treated acute infection lasting greater than:

10. Which is the most sensitive neuroimaging test to evaluate patients with encephalitis?

11. A 65-year-old man presents to the clinician with complaints of increasing bilateral peripheral vision loss, poor night vision, and frequent prescription changes that started 6 months previously. Recently, he has also been seeing halos around lights. The clinician suspects chronic open-angle glaucoma. Which of the following statements is true concerning the diagnosis of chronic open-angle glaucoma?

12. Which of the following statements is true concerning the use of bilberry as a complementary therapy for cataracts?

13. Why do you suspect that your patient may have a decreased response to the tuberculin skin test (TBT)?

14. What antiplatelet agent is most widely used for secondary prevention of stroke?

15. A patient presents with the following signs and symptoms: gradual onset of low-grade fever, marked fatigue, severe sore throat, and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy. Based on the signs and symptoms alone, which of the following conditions is most likely the cause?

16. An acutely presenting, erythematous, tender lump within the eyelid is called:

17. Sam, aged 65, is started on L-dopa for his ParkinsonÕs disease (PD). He asks why this is necessary. You tell him:

18. Gabby, aged 22, has BellÕs palsy on the right side of her face. Her mouth is distorted, and she is concerned about permanent paralysis and pain. What do you tell her?

19. Which of the following would be considered the research design for Level V evidence?

20. Which of the following patients would you expect to have a decreased response to TST?

21. The Circle of Caring Model has grown out of and is rooted in the assumption that caring is the central concept in nursing and is uniquely known and expressed in nursing.

22. Patients with acute otitis media should be referred to a specialist in which of the following situations?

23. Clinical features of insidious onset, slow progression, and a lack of other findings to explain the symptoms are fairly diagnostic of which condition?

24. About 90% of all headaches are?

25. Practice guidelines are designed to:


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Term/Date Kaplan University
  • $19.96

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