NBST 515 Exam 4 (95 out of 100)

  • NBST 515 Exam 4 (95 out of 100)

NBST 515-C02 LUO Exam 4

95 out of 100 points

1. According to Elwell, which of the General Epistles seeks to assure readers that what God promised through the prophets, spoke through his word, and taught through his apostles is true?

2. According to Elwell, with which of the General Epistles does Jude bear much similarity?

3. According to Elwell, Peter made use of a professional scribe in composing his New Testament letters.

4. According to Elwell, the letter that speaks of Paul’s writings as being Scripture is

5. According to Elwell, one of the keys to understanding the book of Revelation is to grasp the idea that we live in two realities: the supernatural order, and the world of recorded time.

6. According to Elwell, which of John’s letters is addressed to a certain “Gaius?”

7. According to the presentations, some 19 of Jude’s 25 verses are found in 1 Peter.

8. According to the presentations, the denial of the return of Christ and the final judgment led false teachers in 2 Peter to advocate for unrestrained freedom.

9. According to Elwell, the most likely date for the book of Revelation is during the persecution of the Emperor Nero.

10. According to Elwell, in the book of Revelation, John’s favorite expression to describe Jesus is “the Lamb.”

11. According to Elwell, John was exiled on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea when he composed the book of Revelation.

12. According to the presentations, 1 Peter encourages Christians in Asia Minor facing persecution to see themselves as “resident aliens” and “exiles” in a strange and hostile land.

13. According to the presentations, Jude is one of the few places in the New Testament where Jewish apocryphal literature is cited as authoritative.

14. According to the presentations, the message of the book of Revelation is “in the end, God wins!”

15. According to the presentations, the most likely candidate for the authorship of the Epistle of Jude is Jude, the half-brother of Jesus.

16. According to the presentations, a chief contribution of 1 Peter is that it employs language that up to that time had been restricted to Israel and applies it to the church.

17. According to Elwell, the troublemaker in the church who is called out by John in his third letter is

18. According to Elwell, which of John’s writings resembles more a small treatise or tract?

19. According to the presentations, 1 John suggests that a group has left the congregation

20. According to the presentations, 1 Peter was written during the run-up to the persecution at the hands of Nero, which began in Rome in AD 64.


Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Liberty University
  • $20.00

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