PSYC 2009 Week 5 Test with Answers

  • PSYC 2009 Week 5 Test with Answers

PSYC 2009 Week 5 Test

1. In ABC assessment, one assesses the Antecedent conditions of the behavior, the Behavior itself, and the _______________of the behavior.

2. According to evolutionary psychology, psychological mechanisms evolved to solve ___________ problems.

3. Contrary to Gall’s phrenology, contemporary researchers believe that complex actions and thought patterns are executed by _____________.

4. The process through which organisms acquire complex behaviors is called:

5. In evolutionary psychology, the basic units of analysis are domain-_______, whereas the units of analysis of five-factor theory are domain-_________.

6. Behaviorists claim that individuals’ behavior is caused by the environment. This belief classifies them as _____.

7. Phineas Gage’s story suggests that there are links between ___________ functioning and personality functioning.

8. That individuals growing up in the same household can be so different is best understood with the concept of ___________.

9. Skinner valued reinforcement over punishment because the effects of punishment tend to be ____________.

10. Because evolutionary psychologists try to understand how a given biological mechanism evolved, their theory is said to be one of __________ causes.

11. A heritability coefficient of 1.00 would indicate that all of the variability in personality is due to __________.

12. Schwartz et al. (2003) used an fMRI machine to record the brain activity of adults as they were shown novel vs. familiar faces. The adults who had been identified in childhood as having an inhibited temperament showed more functioning in the amygdale than those who had earlier been classified as uninhibited. This evidence provides support for both the biological basis of temperament and of its ________________.

13. According to evolutionary psychology, certain psychological mechanisms evolved because they helped organisms ______________.

14. In a ___________, one reinforces desirable behaviors with objects that can be exchanged for desired items.

15. According to Skinnerians, individuals don’t have “sick personalities”; rather, they may have simply learned a _________ response.

16. An experiment by Baccus, Baldwin, and Packer (2004) in which descriptive words appeared in combination with pictures of people smiling, frowning, or with a neutral expression demonstrated that classical conditioning processes can explain differences in _______________.

17. In conditioning Little Albert to fear a rat, the ___________ was the unconditioned stimulus and the _____________ was the conditioned stimulus.

18. There is a tendency to think of biological processes as determining personality emotions and behaviors, as if the former is cause and the latter is effect. However, recent findings provide much evidence of the _______of both neural systems and neurotransmitter systems.

19. Research has largely been __________ of Buss and Plomin’s hypothesis that temperament types are inherited and stable.

20. In designing research, behaviorists emphasize that one must study things that are ______________.

Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
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