COUN 6214 Week 4 Quiz (Ver 1)

  • COUN 6214 Week 4 Quiz (Ver 1)

COUN 6214 Week 4 Quiz

1. According to research on self-concept in children, which of the following aspects of self-concept is most closely tied to overall level of self-esteem?

2. Some research shows that cultural values and goals shape the kinds of discipline that parents use with their children. One example is that Puerto Rican mothers wanted their children to recognize their obligations and connectedness to others; their goals for their children were more than the goals of European American mothers.

3. Jamie, a boy scout, has practiced tying a particular kind of knot dozens of times, and he does it quickly and efficiently. But when he tries to explain how to do it to a younger member of his troop, he can’t put it into words, he can only show the other boy how to do it. Jamie’s knowledge of knot tying is an example of

4. Jeremy, a 2nd grader, is in the counselor’s office because he hit another boy on the playground. He tells the counselor that he knew the other boy was about to hit him first. He was just “getting back” at the other student. The counselor tries to help Jeremy control his aggressive behavior by explaining that the other boy didn’t intend to hurt him. Given what you have learned about social development, which of the following is your best recommendation for the counselor?

5. As Selena and her friends are walking home after school they approach a corner store and see bags of candy and snacks on open shelves outside the front door. A young clerk is also outside waiting for customers. As they get closer, they see the clerk go inside the store. Selena’s friends encourage

her to take a bag of candy, but she refuses. How would an individual in Kohlberg’s preconventional stage of moral reasoning explain Selena’s behavior?

6. Piaget’s description of the differences between preoperational thought (characteristic of preschool aged children) and concrete operational thought (characteristic of elementary school aged children), includes which of the following?

7. Levels of social cognitive do not always match .

8. Alex is 22 months of age. He knows that he should not play with his food at the dinner table, but he sometimes still does so. His parents can usually redirect his behavior with simple reminders about what he should be doing. What is happening cognitively to help him grow in self-control?

9. The term refers to the description of a person’s attributes, whereas the term refers to how a person feels about those attributes.

10. It is generally a best practice for counselors to approach working with youngsters who demonstrate anger, noncompliance, and aggression in which of the following ways?

11. Imagine that you are counseling a 6th grader on how to improve her study skills so that she will remember more information on tests. Not only do you teach her some memory strategies, you also encourage her to engage in self-testing so that she will begin self- monitoring, that is, keeping track of how well she is remembering new material. What kind of skill is this kind of self-monitoring?

12. Before using cognitive therapies with children, which of the following is an important area of cognitive skill that clinicians should assess in their young clients?

13. One factor that promotes self-esteem among minority group members is

14. Counselors who do parent training primarily use which approach for this work?

15. Becoming aware of the “Me” self, the self that recognizes one’s gender and age, occurs roughly around what age?

16. Which of the following is a critical element that underlies the development of self-control?

17. The ability to restrain or redirect a strong impulse in order to perform a less-preferred response is called

18. A counselor is running a parents’ group when the topic of spanking as a disciplinary technique is raised. What is the most accurate statement based on research that the counselor can offer?

19. For counselors who work with families that include children of different ages, which of the following statements is true?

20. Which of the following is a difference between working memory and long- term memory?

21. According to Crittendon’s model, infants who have anxious-ambivalent attachments have experienced which pattern of learning or conditioning?

22. Charles was a temperamentally irritable baby who was difficult for his parents to handle. Now at 6, he is showing behavior problems in school. He has not mastered his alphabet letters and gives up easily. Charles’ parents also have difficulty making rules stick with him at home. They remember how easy their other two children were to raise and now have less patience with their youngest son. Based on research, which of the following characteristics is least likely to be related to Charles’ conduct problems?

23. People are generally motivated to evaluate themselves favorably in relation to others. This tendency is called a

24. A family comes to a counselor with the following problem. Both parents come home from work tired. Dinner is rushed because homework time for the 3rd grade twins takes hours. Bath and bedtime have become daily battles. The parents threaten the children, but the children typically get their parents to give in. This is best described as an example of

25. A counselor is concerned about a clients’ self-esteem. Which of the following provides a research-based rationale for this concern?

Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
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