MN 502 Unit 7 Quiz

  • MN 502 Unit 7 Quiz

MN 502 Unit 7 Quiz

1. In a system that conforms to chaos theory:

2. With __________, researchers change organizational patterns by actively engaging stakeholders in the change process.

3. In critical emancipatory nursing practice, reflexivity involves asking which question?

4. Why is diversity critical for a complex adaptive system?

5. When examining a policy initiative from an emancipatory perspective, which question would the nurse least likely ask?

6. Helen has just finished reading a new research report. In reflecting on the report, Helen first considers whether the researchers’ methods were sound. Next, she asks herself what ideology the researchers appeared to be working from, as well as who will truly benefit if the researchers’ findings are used as a basis for nursing practice. Here, Helen’s activities illustrate how the emancipatory approach can strengthen which essential of advanced nursing practice?

7. “In health care, the personhood of the participants is an important part of all relationships, as are affect and emotions. In addition, genuine relationships between patients and clinicians, between multiple clinicians, between clinicians and the community, and within clinicians themselves are essential to humanistic care.” This statement most closely reflects the approach known as:

8. Which is not a fundamental pattern of knowing in nursing?

9. Which statement is false?

10. Which statement accurately reflects a fundamental assumption of emancipatory knowing?



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