NRNP 6566 Week 8 Knowledge Check

  • NRNP 6566 Week 8 Knowledge Check

NRNP 6566 Week 8 Knowledge Check

1. What type of ICU sedation would be appropriate for a 32 year old male patient who is intubated with bilateral chest tube following a motor vehicle crash.

2. Describe the levels of sedation (minimal, moderate, deep, general anesthesia, and dissociation) and its affect on consciousness, airway, ventilation, and reflexes.

3. The APRN has determined that a 21 year old motor vehicle crash victim needs a rapid sequence intubation. The patient weighs 77 kg. What medications are indicated to successfully achieve the rapid sequence intubation?

4. A 66 year old women in the ICU is diagnosed with delirium. What would be the best approach to treating her delirium?

5. The NP is beginning to repair a laceration on a 22 year old female. The patient mentions that she is allergic to lidocaine. What medication would be an appropriate alternative for this patient?

6. A 54 year old 112 kg women is admitted for incision and drainage of a left renal abscess. She needs TID wet to dry dressing changes that are very painful. She rates the pain during the dressing change as a 10 and describes in as sharp, pulling, and burning. Prior to the last dressing change she received 2 mg of morphine IV which was totally ineffective in relieving any pain of the dressing change. How would you manage the medication dosing prior to the next dressing change?

7. A 36 year old man complains of sciatic type nerve pain in his left posterior leg. What medication would be best to manage his pain?

8. A 44 year old man was given fentanyl to achieve moderate sedation for a colonoscopy. During the procedure, the patients oxygen saturation begins to decline and while assessing the patient the NP notices chest wall rigidity. What is the cause of the rigidity and how would you treat it?

9. A 66 year old man is admired to the ICU with respiratory distress and bilateral pneumonia. He has a history of a CVA 2 years ago with right hemiplegia and aphasia. Current vitals signs are T 98.8 HR 115 BP 170/99. RR 32. Oxygen saturation is 90% on a nonrebreather mask. The patient weighs 70 kg. The NP decides to perform a rapid sequence intubation. What medications and doses would be appropriate for this patient?

10. A 77 year old man fell and suffered a laceration across his upper right lip. The APRN decides to utilize a block for pain control which suturing the laceration. What type of block and what medication would be appropriate for this patient?


Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
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