NSG 3370 Study Guide with Explanations

  • NSG 3370 Study Guide with Explanations

NSG 3370 Exam Answers

1. During pregnancy, dyspnea accompanied by increased respiratory rate, cough, rales, or respiratory distress raises concerns of:

2. The middle section of the thoracic cavity containing the esophagus, trachea, heart, and great vessels is the:

3. A patient is unable to identify the smell of an orange. This inability could reflect an abnormality in cranial nerves:

4. A transient ischemic attack is:

5. The term asteatosis refers to:

6. An enlarged liver with a smooth tender edge may suggest:

7. New onset hypertension with proteinuria or end-organ damage is:

8. The psoas muscle group and muscles of the abdominal wall assist with:

9. "Preterm small for gestational age" (SGA) infants are prone to:

10.Swelling noted 1-2 inches below the knee joint and on the medial surface of the knee would be suggestive of:

11.   A patient states that the only way he can sleep at night is to use several pillows or to sleep upright in a recliner. This sleep pattern is most consistent with:

12. A positive obturator sign would elicit pain in the:

13. The lateral bone that serves as a strut between the scapula and the sternum is known as the:

14. When examining the foot of a patient, the nurse practitioner notes focal heel tenderness on palpation of the plantar fascia. This could be suggestive of:

15. When examining the conjunctiva and sclera, have the patient look upward and then:

16. The groove of the metacarpophalangeal joint can be palpated by having the patient:

17. A patient complains of shooting pains below the knee radiating into the lateral leg and calf. This type of low back pain is referred to as:

18. When assessing a 3-month-old for developmental dysplasia of the hips (DDH), which one of the following symptoms would be suspicious of dysplasia?

19. A patient presents with right upper quadrant and upper abdominal pain. Acute cholecystitis is suspected because the pain radiates to the:

20. The preauricular lymph node is located:

21. Cessation of the menses for 12 months is termed:

22. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are located by palpating the:

23. One cause of nasal septum perforation may be:

24. Tenderness in the costovertebral angles may signify:

25. A patient presents with an altered level of consciousness. He/she is considered in a stuporous state if he/she:

26. A flat affect can be an identifiable finding in an older adult who has:

27. Pain and crepitus over the patella suggests:

28.A child with a heart murmur audible at the lower left sternal border would be suggestive of:

29. In order to visualize the opening of Stensen's duct, examine the:

30. Hyperalgesia refers to:

31. The part of the brain that maintains homeostasis is the:

32. A 80 year old male visits the nurse practitioner for an annual well exam. History reveals two falls in the prior 12 months and difficulty with balance. The next step the nurse practitioner should take is:

33. Which one of the following symptoms would be seen in a 39 week gestational age patient who was suspected of having HELLP syndrome?

34. Flexion contracture of the knee suggests hamstring tightness or:

35. A protrusion of the membranes that cover the spine and the spinal cord itself, through a defect in the bony encasement of the vertebral column is known as:

36. Static stabilizers of the shoulder are referred to as those structures that are:

37.With inspection of the male infant's penis, the urethral orifice appears on the dorsal surface of the glans. This finding is consistent with:

38. The nurse practitioner should base a response to a parent's question about the prognosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) on which of the following statement:

39. To assess for strabismus in a child, use the:

40. While assessing the cranial nerves, the nurse practitioner touches the cornea lightly with a wisp of cotton. This maneuver assesses which cranial nerve?

41. When examining the foot of a patient, the nurse practitioner notes tenderness of the posterior medial malleolus. This could be suggestive of:

42. Upon examination of the vagina, the entire anterior vaginal wall, together with the bladder and urethra create a bulge. This condition is most consistent with a:

43. A 3 year-old presents with a history of fever and cough over the past 24 hours. Findings on exam reveal: temperature of 102°F, apical heart rate of 157 beats/minute, and respiratory rate of 40 breaths/minute. Tachypnea in this child is most likely related to

44. A female patient presents with a profuse, yellowish, green vaginal discharge that is malodorous. This vaginal discharge is most consistent with:

45. When assessing plantar reflexes, the nurse practitioner strokes the lateral aspect of the sole from the heel to the ball of the right foot. Absence of movement of the big toe is noted. This finding could be suggestive of a pathologic lesion in which segmented level of the spine?

46. Which disorder of the eye can be detected with the cover-uncover and the Hirschberg test?

47. If fetal movement cannot be perceived after 24 weeks gestation, all of the following may be considered except:

48. To palpate an indirect inguinal hernia in a woman, have her stand and palpate in the labia majora and:

49. Bilateral exophthalmos suggests:

50. If regular uterine contractions occur prior to 37 weeks gestation, this could be:

51. A form of aphasia in which the person has difficulty speaking and understanding words and is unable to read or write is termed:

52. When examining the knee, a fluid wave on the medial side between the patella and the femur is noted. This positive sign for effusion of the knee is known as the:

53. Which nerve runs from the spine through the neck, the axilla, and into the arm?

54. When upper motor neuron systems are damaged below the crossover of its tracts in the medulla, motor impairment develops on the same side. This term is:

55. Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension include all of the following except:

56. What is the earliest recognizable clinical manifestation(s) of cystic fibrosis in a child?

57. The most effective method to use when assessing visual acuity in young children, is the:

58.  An adolescent visits the nurse practitioner for a sports participation physical. The nurse practitioner instructs the adolescent to hold his arms against his lateral upper legs against resistance. This maneuver assesses for:

59. Ptosis of the left eye would be suggestive of damage to which cranial nerve?

60. When performing the first Leopold maneuver on a pregnant woman, if the fetal buttocks and head are not easily palpated at the fundus, the fetus is said to be in:

61. Which of the following substances is found in the urine of a child suspected of having post streptococcal glomerulonephritis?

62. When describing muscle strength, the term quadriplegia means:

63. Which of the following screening tests for hearing loss can detect both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss?

64. A female patient presents with a gray, thin, malodorous (fishy) vaginal discharge. These symptoms are most consistent with:

65. The classic signs of a basilar skull fracture include hemotympanum and:

66. Respiratory effort in the neonate is initiated at birth as a result of:

67. At what age does an infant copy sounds and gestures of others?

68. Stool that appears bloody, mucoid, or with pus, may indicate:

69. A patient complains of a sore tongue. Findings reveal a smooth and erythematous tongue. This condition is termed:

70. During pregnancy, what sound may be auscultated at the second or third intercostal space at the sternal border due to increased blood flow through the vessels?

71. Part of the nutritional assessment includes anthropometric measurements. These measurements include all of the following except:

72. Cognitive and language development between twelve years and adulthood, follows which one of Piaget's stages of development?

73. If a newborn develops a cephalohematoma, the newborn is at an increased risk for:

74. A 40 year old male complains of right flank pain. His temperature is 102° F. These symptoms may be characteristic of:

75. When examining a patient with atopic dermatitis, there is a thickening and roughening of the skin with increased visibility of the normal skin furrows. This condition is termed:

76. When eliciting deep tendon reflexes in the biceps, the nurse practitioner notes an abnormal reflex in the right biceps. This abnormality is probably consistent with a pathological lesion in which segmented level of the spine?

77. A rhythmic oscillatory movement of a body part resulting from the contraction of opposing muscle groups is:

78. The nurse practitioner instructs the patient to move his ear to his shoulder. This maneuver assesses:

79. A disparity between the brachial and femoral pulses in a 4-month-old could indicate:

80. A patient presents with chest pain that radiates to the left side of the neck and down the left arm when he chops wood. This type of pain could be suggestive of:

81. The Sexual Maturity Rating in girls includes 5 stages. Characteristics of Stage 5 include:

82. B/P readings greater than 140 mm HG systolic and greater than 90 mm HG diastolic prior to pregnancy, before 20 weeks gestation, or beyond 12 weeks postpartum is:

83. The lateral collateral ligament of the knee:

84. Which of the following procedures should NOT be performed in a comatose patient?

85. Where the head of the humerus articulates with the shallow glenoid fossa of the scapula is known as the:

86. The axioscapular group of muscles:

87. The ankle is a hinge formed by the tibia, fibula, and the:

88. The maxillary sinuses:

89. The dorsiflexors muscles in the foot include the:

90. In renal adaptation of the newborn, which one of the following statements is correct?

91. When performing a breast exam, a mobile mass becomes fixed when the arm relaxes. This suggests that the mass is:

92. An otherwise healthy two-year-old presents with a heart rate that varies with inspiration and expiration. Which statement is true?

93. According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, older adults should be screened for colorectal cancer with high-sensitivity fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) every:

94. The great saphenous vein enters the deep venous system by way of the:

95. When discussing the musculoskeletal system, all of the following statements related to articular structure disease are true except which one?

96. Signs and symptoms associated with diabetic gastroparesis may include all of the following except:

97. The portion of the umbilicus in a newborn that is covered with a firm gelatinous substance and dries up within two weeks of birth is known as:

98. A patient was recently diagnosed with gluten intolerance and needs instructions on what foods to eat. The patient should be told that a gluten restricted diet includes:

99. When percussing a protuberant abdomen, tympany is audible. This is consistent with all of the following conditions except:

100. The Glasgow coma scale assesses:

101. Women who wear high-heeled shoes with narrow toe boxes are at risk of developing all of the following forefoot abnormalities except:

102. One maneuver used to assess coordination is to observe the patient:

103. A small, tuberculated eminence, curved a little forward, and giving attachment to the radial collateral ligament of the elbow-joint is referred to as the:

104. Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, which may produce minor physical signs, thought disturbances, or disturbed motor activity is:

105. A sudden, tearing, sharp pain that begins in the chest and radiates to the back or into the neck is usually associated with:

106. Involuntary movements of the body that involve larger portions of the body, including the trunk resulting in grotesque, twisted postures are suggestive of:

107. To assess the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves (CN III, IV, & VI) for extraocular movements in an infant, the nurse practitioner would:

108. In infants, the palmar grasp reflex ceases after :

109. A patient experienced a neck injury yesterday and presents to the nurse practitioner with aching paracervical pain and stiffness. Other complaints include dizziness, malaise, and fatigue. These findings may be associated with:

110. Most peripheral nerves contain afferent and efferent fibers. The term efferent refers to:

111. At what age should an infant begin to say consonant sounds?

112. Genu varum refers to:

113. When examining the medial and lateral meniscus, a click along the medial joint with valgus stress, external rotation, and leg extension suggests a probable tear of the:

114. Breastfeeding is contraindicated for an infant diagnosed with which one of the following conditions?

115. In order to examine the tongue, ask the patient to stick out his tongue and with the examiner's right hand:

116. The ankle-brachial index is a screening test used to assess a person's risk for:

117. The central nervous system extends from the medulla into the:

118. The Weber test uses a tuning fork to test hearing. The frequency range closest to that of conversational speech would be one with a frequency of:

119. The nurse practitioner holds the infant around the trunk. One sole touches the table. The hip and knee of the foot will flex and the other foot will step forward. Alternating stepping will occur. This maneuver assesses the:

120. Which of the following findings in a preschooler would indicate the need for further evaluation?

121. Decreased spinal mobility in the lumbar region could be suggestive of:

122. An inward turning of the lower lid margin is called:

123. Restrictions of internal and external rotation of the hip are sensitive indicators of:

124. The cervical opening or shortening noted during a bimanual examination prior to 37 weeks gestation, may indicate:

125. An adolescent visits the nurse practitioner for a sports participation physical. The nurse practitioner instructs the adolescent to stand erect with his arms at his sides. The nurse practitioner stands behind the adolescent and observes his spine and hip. This maneuver assesses for:

126. The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary actions is known as the:

127. A patient presents with findings of pain, warmth, redness, and swelling below the inner canthus toward nose. Tearing is present and when pressure is applied to the lacrimal sac, purulent discharge from the puncta is noted. This is suggestive of:

128. A forty-year-old man presents with a slow growing lesion on the face. Further examination reveals a lesion with a depressed center, a firm elevated border, and visible telangiectatic vessels. This is most consistent with:

129. Breath sounds consisting of a full inspiratory phase and a shortened and softer expiratory phase normally audible over the hilar region of the chest are termed:

130. A child sustained a "full-thickness" burn injury. This type injury involves tissue destruction down to the:

131. When assessing the heart rate of a healthy 13-month-old child, which one of the following sites is the most appropriate for this child?

132. After attempting to elicit the Moro reflex in a newborn, the nurse practitioner identifies absence of movement of the left arm. The next assessment would be to:

133. Raised or flat, deep purple colored lesions noted in the mouth may be suggestive of:

134. A 60-year-old was concerned about a yellowish colored lesion above her right eyelid. Findings revealed a slightly raised yellowish, well circumscribed plaque along the nasal area of her right eyelid. This finding is most consistent with:

135. Congenital cysts located at the midline of the neck just above the thyroid cartilage and may open under the tongue are know as:

136. The nurse practitioner places the infant lying supine on the exam table, and then makes a loud noise. The infant's arms abduct and extend with hands open and legs flexed. This maneuver assesses:

137. According to the most recent recommendation from U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an adult aged 65 should be screened for breast cancer:

138. That portion of the ear that consists of the auricle and ear canal is the:

139. The cranial sutures are closed on the head of a 9 month old infant. This indicates:

140. A decrease in the degree of density in a bone that results in fragile bones is referred to as:

141. Pain or cramping of the legs that occurs during exertion and is relieved by rest is termed:

142. A patient presents with a fiery red, slightly raised 2 cm lesion on the upper truck that blanches when pressure is applied. The body of the lesion is surrounded by erythema and radiating legs. This is most likely:

143. A cartilage-like articulation between the pubic bones is known as the:

144. Warning signs of peripheral artery disease may include all of the following except:

145. When auscultating the heart, a scratchy, continuous murmur is audible during atrial systole and ventricular systole and diastole. This finding may be indicative of a:

146. The function of the labyrinth in the inner ear is to:

147. An intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more serious decline of dementia is known as:

148. Symptoms of a child suspected of having a diagnosis of mixed failure to thrive (FTT) are usually seen in children:

149. Which of the following is the most age appropriate play for an 8-year-old girl?

150. Breath sounds auscultated over the periphery of the lung fields are quiet and wispy during the inspiratory phase followed by a short, almost silent expiratory phase. These breath sounds are considered:

151. Fasciculations in atrophic muscles suggest:

152. To test the thumb for flexion, ask the patient to:

153. When a patient complains of joint pain as progressing from one joint to another, the examiner should consider this pattern of involvement as migratory. This type of involvement would most likely be observed in a patient who has:

154. During late adolescence, achievements are marked by:

155. By placing the patient in the supine position, the nurse practitioner raises the patient's relaxed and straightened leg while flexing the leg at the hip, then dorsiflexes the foot. This maneuver is known as:

156. The groove of the radiocarpal joint is located:

157. Inspection of the hip begins with careful observation of a patient's gait. A patient's foot moves forward without bearing weight. This is known as the:

158. When assessing a preschooler's mouth, the number of deciduous teeth seen should be:

159. The most common cause of bacterial pharyngeal infections in children is:

160. A buildup of excess fluid around the periphery of the eye orbits is known as:

161. Symptoms of acrocyanosis in the newborn include:

162. The structure that creates a channel for the spinal nerve roots is known as the:

163. Retraction of the nipple and areola suggest:

164. If a patient presents with non-midline lumbar back pain, the nurse practitioner should assess for:

165. On examination of the foot, the nurse practitioner notes acute inflammation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. This finding could be consistent with:

166. When assessing a normal 5-year-old, the last site to assess would be the:

167. The palpation technique used to assess respiratory expansion of the chest is placing the hands on the eight or tenth ribs posteriorly with the thumbs close to the vertebrae, sliding the hand medially and grasping a small fold of skin between the thumbs. Then:

168. When assessing the skin, it is noted to be thickened, taut, and shiny in appearance. This could be associated with:

169. The semimembranous bursa of the knee lies:

170. To test the supraspinatus, anterior and lateral deltoid, and pectoralis major, the nurse practitioner would have the patient perform which shoulder movement.

171. The term used to refer to skin that is peeling is:

172. A patient presents with midline, lumbar back pain. The nurse practitioner should assess for:

173. Orthopnea is typically associated with all of the following conditions except:

174. To assess the facial nerve (CN VII) for motor function in an infant, the nurse practitioner would:

175. The nine to ten year old school aged child:

176. The forward slippage of one vertebrae resulting in spinal cord compression is referred to as:

177. When auscultating breath sounds in a patient who has left sided heart failure, the breath sounds are:

178. Assessment findings in a newborn at birth include: irregular respirations without crying, heart rate of 105 beats/minute, grimaces with reflex stimulation, kicking of both feet, and moving of both arms. The body and face are pink and hands and feet are cyanotic. What is the APGAR score?

179. A patient complains of severe epigastric pain that radiates to the posterior trunk and entire abdomen. This type of pain can be suggestive of:

180. The patient has had an internal pacemaker in place for five years. Pacemaker failure is being considered because over the past few days, the patient has been experiencing episodes of:

181. In an infant, a repetitive, short expiratory sound is known as:

182. The patella rests on the:

183. A six-year-old child presents with a few small vesicles that are honey-colored and weeping around the left nare. These lesions are consistent with:

184. To test the thumb for adduction, ask the patient to place the fingers and thumbs in the neutral position with the palm up and move the thumb anteriorly away from the palm and then:

185. A patient complains of an unpleasant abdominal fullness after a light meal. This complaint may be consistent with:

186. Which technique would be least effective in gaining the cooperation of a toddler during a physical exam?

187. While assessing the trigeminal nerve V (CN V) for sensory function, the patient reports a pain sensation on the right cheek. This finding could be consistent with a:

188. Contracture of the sternocleidomastoid muscle could result in lateral deviation and rotation of the head. This condition is suggestive of:

189. If a patient describes his stool as thin and "pencil-like", this could be associated with:

190.  When evaluating the six cardinal directions of gaze, a loss of conjugate movements is noted when the patient looks to his left. This finding could be consistent with damage to which cranial nerve?

191. With Duchenne muscular dystrophy:

192. o estimate the expected date of delivery (EDD) using Naegele's rule, if the last menses was March 3, 2014, the EDD would be:

193. Adventitious breath sounds, such as crackles, are:

194. The term used to describe low back pain with nerve pain that radiates down the leg is:

195.  When the term rubor is used in describing the skin, it means that the appearance is:

196. Assessment findings in an infant with increased intracranial pressure would include:

197. When suspecting pediculosis capitis, the chief complaint is:

198. What geriatric condition is characterized by reduction in physical or mental capacity sufficient to interfere with managing day to day tasks?

199. If urethritis or inflammation of the paraurethral glands is suspected in a female patient, the index finger should be inserted into the vagina and:

200. When palpating the carotid pulse, it is important to:

201. A 40 -year-old male states that he felt "something" above his left testis. On examination, a painless cyst is noted above the left testicle. Transillumination is positive. This is consistent with a:

202. During pregnancy, a patient's fundal height measured 26 centimeters. This would suggest that the gestational age was:

203. When assessing the patient's sense of position, instruct the patient to first stand with his feet together and eyes open, then instruct him to close both eyes for 30-60 seconds. If he loses his balance with his eyes closed, this is:

204. The group of muscles that lies medial and swings the thigh toward the body is known as the:

205. In the older adult, the test for leg mobility is known as the:

206. Examination of the nasolacrimal duct reveals a mucopurulent discharge from the puncta. This finding is suggestive of:

207. When trying to determine the level of consciousness in a patient whose level of consciousness is altered, a comatose patient:

208. When performing an examination of the rectal area, a linear tear at the anal opening was observed. This could be indicative of:

209. When examining the prostate gland the examiner should inform the patient that this procedure may:

210. When administering ear drops to a 6-year-old, the pinna should be pulled:

211. A patient who is being evaluated for frequent headaches, mentions that the headache worsens with coughing, sneezing, or when changing positions. Increasing pain with these maneuvers may be suggestive of:

212. When assessing the knee, the examiner instructs the patient to sit and swing his lower leg away from midline. This motion would assess knee:

213. By five years of age, the child is:

214. A condition that involves optic nerve damage and visual field changes is termed:

215. Vasculitis on the extremities and an erythematous to salmon-colored rash over the trunk are skin lesions that may be attributed to:

216. A 45-year-old patient complains of vertigo, tinnitus and pressure in the right ear. These symptoms are consistent with:

217. With the adult patient lying supine, the nurse practitioner flexes the patient's neck while observing the hips and knees. Flexion of both hips and knees was noted. This is a positive:

218. Immediate treatment for a sprain includes:

219.The vertebral column angles sharply posteriorly and becomes immovable at the:

220. When auscultating heart sounds in a newborn, if a louder than normal pulmonic component (P2) is audible, suspect:

221. The nurse practitioner places an infant lying supine on the exam table, and turns the head to one side, holding the jaw over the shoulder. The arms and legs on the side to which the head is turned extend, while the opposite arm and leg flex. This maneuver assesses:

222. When performing a rectal exam, a reddish, moist, protruding mass is noted at the anal opening. This finding is most likely a(n):

223. A chancre is defined as a:

224. A discriminative sensation that describes the ability to identify an object by feeling it is:

225. Newborns are classified according to their gestational age and weight. A newborn weighing less than 2,500 grams at birth is:

226. On ophthalmoscopic examination, optic atrophy appears:

227. Examination of the abdomen reveals a small midline protrusion in the linea alba. This finding is consistent with an:

228. An irregular shaped bony feature at the lateral top of the femur is known as the:

229. Leukoplakia was noted during an exam of the mouth. This symptom may be:

230. Metatarsalgia is a term used to describe:

231. During pregnancy, if fundal height is 4 centimeters larger than expected, consider all of the following except:

232. Which one of the following ligaments of the foot is most at risk for injury from inversion?

233. On assessment, which one of the following symptoms would be noted as a compensatory response to chronic hypoxia?

234. By four years of age, the child is able to:

235. Hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes can be seen in patients who:

236. The nurse practitioner instructs the patient to bend forward and try to touch his toes. This maneuver would elicit:

237. The area at the posterior aspect of the spine lateral to the sacroiliac joint is known as the:

238. A 55-year-old patient visits the nurse practitioner for an annual exam. Stool sample revealed hematochezia. The patient is otherwise asymptomatic. This finding could be associated with:

239. When inspecting the face, asymmetry is noted. This finding could be suggestive of:

240. A teenager presents with signs of being gleeful, somewhat drowsy, and unable to focus. On examination , B/P 90/65, pupils constricted, and speech slurred. These symptoms are consistent with:

241. The posterior auricular lymph node is located:

242. A serious disturbance in a person's mental abilities that results in a decreased awareness of one's environment and confused thinking is referred to as:

243. When compressing the suprapatellar pouch and pushing the patella sharply against the femur, fluid is noted to return to the suprapatellar pouch. This is known as a positive:

244. Disorders of speech fall into three groups that affect all of the following except the:

245. To test the thumb for opposition, ask the patient to:

246. Assessing the neurological status of a child with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt should include:

247. A patient presents with persistent thoughts of contamination, and dressing and undressing rituals. These symptoms are consistent with:

248. A twelve-month-old was recently diagnosed with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The mother asks the nurse practitioner: "How could my child have acquired AIDS?" The best response from the nurse practitioner should be that: "Children under two years of age usually acquire AIDS:

249. The Sexual Maturity Rating in boys includes 5 stages. Characteristics indicative of Stage 4 would include:

250. A slow, persistent fungal infection of fingernails and toenails is:

251. What part of the ear consists mainly of cartilage covered by skin and has a firm yet somewhat elastic feature?

252. When examining the ankle and foot of a patient, the nurse practitioner instructs the patient to point the foot toward the ceiling. This motion assesses:

253. When performing a pelvic exam on a pregnant woman, a larger speculum may be needed because of:

254.According to the Tanner stages of development (Sexual Maturity Rating), breast development in Stage 5 in females includes the:

255. During pregnancy, a palpable softening of the cervical isthmus is noted. This finding is:

256. Physical signs associated with cervical myelopathy from cervical cord compression include:

257. Weight gain should be monitored during pregnancy. For a pregnant woman whose BMI is 18.5 - 24.9, the total weight gain should be:

258. A patient has a papule with an ulcerated center on the lower lid and medial canthus of the eye. This is consistent with:

259. To palpate the trochanteric bursa, position the patient:

260.Bowel sounds may be decreased in the presence of:

261. On ophthalmoscopic exam of the older adult, there is an increased cup-to-disc ratio: This finding is suggestive of:

262. When examining the elbow for range of motion, the nurse practitioner instructs the patient to turn his palm upward. This motion is an example of:

263. A 6-month-old presents today for a well child visit. He is sitting in his mother's lap. Assessment should begin with:

264. A patient complains of a tight, bursting pain in the calf that increases with walking. Elevation of the leg sometimes relieves the pain. These symptoms may be consistent with:

265. Which nerve in the arm originates in the axilla and travels down the arm in a shallow depression on the surface of the humerus?

266. Winging of the scapula can be noted in patients with all of the following conditions except:

267. Redness, bleeding, pain, and swelling of the gums is most likely:

268. A child presents with fever of 102.5 °F for the past five days. Kawasaki disease is suspected if which of the following groups of symptoms is present?

269. A 25-year-old with the mental age of a toddler, who exhibits limited language skills and can be trained in very basic activities of daily living, such as dressing, hygiene and feeding, would be classified as:

270. On auscultation of the chest, if the patient says "ninety-nine" and it is clearly heard, this is indicative of:

271. An infant learns to move the shoulders before learning to control fine finger movement. This is an example of which type of developmental progression?

272. The term used to describe skin that is red over the entire body is:

273. When examining the medial and lateral meniscus, a click along the medial joint with valgus stress, external rotation, and leg extension suggests a probable tear of the:

274. During the infant and toddler years, achievements are marked by:

275. On examination of the pupils, both are round but the right pupil appears larger than the left and reacts much slower to light. This condition may be indicative of:

276. In which of the following situations would it be difficult for the examiner to palpate an ovary during the bimanual vaginal exam?

277. The sphenoidal sinuses:

278. The area at the posterior aspect of the spine lateral to the sacroiliac joint is known as the:

279. A patient presents with a productive cough. Which one of the following descriptions of the mucus is correct?

280. A bruit heard in the epigastric area with both systolic and diastolic components is suggestive of:

281. A congenital fissure noted at the medial line of the palate is known as a:

282. Dysphonia refers to:

283. An adolescent visits the nurse practitioner for a sports participation physical. The nurse practitioner instructs the adolescent to shrug his shoulders against resistance. This maneuver assesses for:

284. Hairy leukoplakia may be associated with:

285. Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis in an infant include:

286. A child presenting with a unilateral, purulent rhinorrhea accompanied by headaches, sore throat and facial tenderness may be suggestive of:

287. Lower abdominal pain accompanied by fever or shock in older adults could be consistent with:

288. Chronic pelvic pain may be secondary to all of the above except:

289. Hyperfunctioning of the thyroid gland could lead to all the following disorders except:

289. When examining the knee, which of the following symptoms could be indicative of a positive Adduction (Varus) Stress Test?

290. Joint pain that is localized and involves one joint, would be documented as:

291. The ankle-brachial index is a screening test used to assess a person's risk for:

292. The structure that encloses the spinal cord is known as the:

293. A multifactorial geriatric condition or syndrome characterized by an age-related lack of adaptive physiological capacity occurring in the absence of identifiable illness is known as:

294. When assessing the cranial nerves, the nurse practitioner uses the tongue blade to gently stimulate the back of the throat on each side. A unilateral absence of the gag reflex is noted. This finding could be suggestive of a unilateral lesion in which cranial nerve?

295. When performing the bimanual vaginal exam, uterine enlargement is noted. This enlargement could suggest:

296. During this type of seizure activity, the patient loses consciousness suddenly, sometimes with a cry, and the body stiffens into tonic extensor rigidity. Breathing stops, and the person becomes cyanotic. A clonic phase o

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