NURS 6501N Week 7 Quiz 6 (35 out of 35)

  • NURS 6501N Week 7 Quiz 6 (35 out of 35)

NURS 6501N Week 7 Quiz with Answers

1. A 58-year-old female presents in the clinic presenting with fatigue, weight loss, and tingling in her fingers. Laboratory findings show low hemoglobin and hematocrit, a high mean corpuscular volume, and normal plasma iron. These assessment findings are consistent with which type of anemia?

2. A 40-year-old male vegetarian is diagnosed with folate deficiency anemia. He reports that he is an alcoholic. Which of the following factors put him at greatest risk for developing his disease?

3. A 5-year-old male was diagnosed with normocytic-normochromic anemia. Which of the following anemias does the nurse suspect the patient has?

4. A 65-year-old male experienced loss of appetite, weight loss, lemon-yellow skin, liver enlargement, and a beefy red tongue shortly before his death. Autopsy suggested pernicious anemia, and the cause of death would most likely reveal:

5. Thrombocytopenia may be:

6. A 20-year-old female undergoes lab testing for anemia. Results show high iron, bilirubin, and transferrin and low hemoglobin and hematocrit. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis to be documented on the chart?

7. A 52-year-old male IV drug user was diagnosed with hepatitis C 5 years ago. He is now experiencing impaired blood clotting. The nurse suspects a decrease in which of the following vitamins?

8. A nurse is teaching the staff about platelets. Which information should the nurse include? In addition to playing a role in hemostasis, platelets have the ability to:

9. In disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), the nurse assesses for active bleeding after intravascular clotting because:

10. A 10-year-old male is diagnosed with leukemia. The nurse assesses for which other condition that could be associated with his disease?

11. For a patient experiencing hypersplenism, the nurse expects the erythrocytes to be:

12. An adult patient’s blood sample is analyzed in a laboratory. Assuming a normal sample, which type of white blood cell accounts for the highest percentage?

13. The nurse will check which of the following tests to directly measure iron stores?

14. A 45-year-old female undergoes a splenectomy to remove a tumor. Which of the following assessment finding is most likely to occur following surgery?

15. A 10-year-old male is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. When the parents ask who is responsible for this disease, what is the nurse’s best response? He most likely inherited it from:

16. While checking lab results, the nurse remembers the normal leukocyte count is:

17. A newborn is diagnosed with congenital intrinsic factor deficiency. Which of the following types of anemia will the nurse see documented on the chart?

18. A hematologist is discussing hematopoiesis. Which information should be included? ________ participate in hematopoiesis.

19. While reviewing lab results, the nurse recalls the most abundant cells in the blood are:

20. After initial compensation, what hemodynamic change should the nurse monitor for in a patient who has a reduction in the number of circulating erythrocytes?

21. A 5-year-old female is diagnosed with acute leukemia. The nurse will most likely treat this patient with:

22. How should the nurse prepare a patient who is to receive a Schilling test for pernicious anemia?

23. A 15-year-old male with infectious mononucleosis is being given instructions on how to prevent the spread of this infection to others. Which statement represents a correct instruction?

24. A 35-year-old male with hyperthyroidism begins treatment to decrease thyroid activity. A nurse monitors for which of the following conditions that could result secondary to the treatment?

25. A staff member wants to know where the greatest proportion of iron is located. How should the nurse respond? The greatest proportion of total body iron is located in the:

26. A 10-year-old male presents with abdominal swelling, night sweats, fever, and weight loss. He is diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma. Upon obtaining the history, which of the following is the most likely cause?

27. A 62-year-old female tells her health care provider she has been experiencing regular night sweats that cause her to wake up drenched. She also remarks that she has been unintentionally losing weight. Physical exam reveals enlarged lymph nodes on her neck that do not appear to be painful. She should be screened for which of the following cancers?

28. A group of cells isolated in the laboratory has membrane-bound granules in their cytoplasm and they show phagocytic activity. Which of the following cells is most similar?

29. A 25-year-old female has a heavy menses during which she loses a profuse amount of blood. Which of the following adaptations should the nurse expect?

30. A 67-year-old female has chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. A nurse recalls the primary cause of her anemia is:

31. A nurse is caring for a patient who cannot clot. Which end product of the clotting cascade is this patient unable to make?

32. When a nurse is reviewing lab results and notices that the erythrocytes contain an abnormally low concentration of hemoglobin, the nurse calls these erythrocytes:

33. A nurse checks individuals with liver disease for clotting problems because:

34. Which of the following individuals should the nurse assess first for a vitamin B12 deficiency anemia?

35. A 21-year-old female was recently diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. In addition to fatigue and weakness, which of the following clinical signs and symptoms would she most likely exhibit?

Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
  • $12.00

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