NURS 6521 Midterm Exam Winter 2020 (100 out of 100)

  • NURS 6521 Midterm Exam Winter 2020 (100 out of 100)

NURS 6521 Midterm Exam Winter 2020 (100 out of 100)

1. The anticoagulant drug that acts as a vitamin K antagonist is: 

2. What is a serious side effect of ibuprofen in the older adult patient?

3. A Nurse Practitioner is conducting an assessment of a patient who has recently had several changes made to her drug regimen. What assessment question most directly addresses the safety implications of the patient's drug regimen?

4. Which can elevate theophylline levels?

5. Which of the following can block the action of heparin?

6. A possible side effect from the use of nifedipine (Procardia XL) is: 

7. An unconscious patient has been brought to the hospital, and the Nurse Practitioner has prescribed a life-saving drug to be administered parenterally. Which of the following methods would be the most appropriate for the nurse to use when administering the medication?

8. Typical adverse reactions to oral calcium-channel blockers include: 

9. What drug class will decrease the facial flushing that occurs with niacin?

10. When prescribing an antihypertensive medication for a type 2 diabetic patient, the drug classifications that would tend to reduce insulin sensitivity are:

11. How does cholestyramine lowers blood cholesterol?

12. A patient has been started on a treatment regimen that includes levothyroxine. Select the dosage regimen that is most appropriate for a mean replacement dosage. The patient has been started on a treatment regimen that includes levothyroxine. Select the dosage regimen that is most appropriate for a mean replacement dosage.

13. A Nurse Practitioner is providing care for a patient who suffered extensive burns to his extremities during a recent industrial accident. Topical lidocaine gel has been ordered to be applied to the surfaces of all his burns in order to achieve adequate pain control. When considering this order, the Nurse Practitioner should be aware that

14. During a clinic visit, a patient complains of having frequent muscle cramps in her legs. The nurse's assessment reveals that the patient has been taking over-the-counter laxatives for the past 7 years. The nurse informed the patient that prolonged use of laxatives

15. Advanced practice nurse prescribing of scheduled medications is affected most by:

16. You decide to start your pt, Ms. Rodrigues, on spironolactone (Aldactone) 50 mg PO daily.  As the NP, you will instruct the patient to call the clinic if which symptoms are experienced?

17. A Nurse Practitioner has been following a male patient who is taking hydralazine, clonidine, and a diuretic for hypertension. After 2 weeks of medication therapy, the patient begins to complain of numbness and tingling in his hands and feet. The Nurse Practitioner suspects that these signs or symptoms are

18. A patient with type 1 diabetes has been admitted to the hospital for orthopedic surgery and the care team anticipates some disruptions to the patient's blood glucose levels in the days following surgery. Which of the following insulin regimens is most likely to achieve adequate glycemic control?

19. The APRN is caring for a patient taking a calcium channel blockers for hypertension. The APRN should monitor the patient for what common side effects of this medication?

20. Susie is a 40 year old female with Type 2 Diabetes.  She reports that over the last several days, she has been having some hypoglycemic episodes and feels it is related to medication.  Her medication list is as follows:

21. A 73-year-old woman has scheduled an appointment with her nurse practitioner to discuss her recurrent constipation. The woman states that she experiences constipation despite the fact that she takes docusate on a daily basis and performs cleansing enemas several times weekly. How should the nurse best respond to this patient's statements?

22. The side effects of antihistamines are mostly due to their: 

23. A Nurse Practitioner is caring for a 73-year-old man who is receiving drug therapy. He is beginning to exhibit signs of decline in his renal system, yet his current serum creatinine level is normal. The Nurse Practitioner will base the patient's plan of care on the understanding that there is

24. A 66-year-old woman has a complex medical history that includes poorly-controlled type 1 diabetes, renal failure as a result of diabetic nephropathy and chronic heart failure (CHF). Her care provider has recently added spironolactone (Aldactone) to the woman's medication regimen. The nurse should consequently assess for signs and symptoms of

25. Autonomic drugs have little effect when administered:

26. A male patient who is hypertensive takes Hydrochlorothiazide for his blood pressure . He  presents with red, painful swelling of the great toe. In addition to treating gout, you recognize that you may need to:  

27. A 39 y/o female is diagnosed with Graves disease.  She also has a small goiter =.  Her symptoms are not deemed to be severe and propylthiouracil is prescribed.  Whare is the most serious potential adverse effect of this medication?

28. A 72-year-old female patient is prescribed ipratropium aerosol for pulmonary emphysema. The nurse will instruct her to "test spray" the new metered-dose inhaler (MDI) three times before using it to prevent which of the following?

29. The NP is examining a 34-year-old obese man with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 who complains of almost daily indigestion and heartburn for the past year with a strong acid taste in the mouth about an hour after meals, and frequent belching and awakening at night with choking. The history is negative for chronic illnesses and alarm symptoms. A diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is made. What is the best initial treatment for the patient?

30. Which effect does the Nurse Practitioner expect may occur when using cholinergic agonists?

31. A physician has ordered subcutaneous injections of morphine, a narcotic, every 4 hours as needed for pain for a motor vehicle accident victim. The nurse is aware that there is a high abuse potential for this drug and that it is categorized as a

32. Which of the following is a contraindication for antimuscarinic drugs?

33. A female patient has been taking zafirlukast for a week and is experiencing diarrhea. The nurse should instruct her to do which of the following?

34. Metformin (Glucophage) acts by:

35. Acetazolamide is categorized as which of the following?  

36. The recommended range for maintaining serum theophylline levels is:

37. What information would the Nurse Practitioner include in teaching a patient about the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency following a total gastrectomy?

38. Some first generation antihistamines are used: 

39. Which type of antihistamines are used to inhibit the secretion of gastric acid in patients with gastrointestinal disorders? 

40. The Nurse Practitioner is teaching a patient about the role of medications in the treatment of asthma. Which statement by the patient would require further teaching?

41. Jillian is a Nurse Practitioner.  She recognizes that Nurse Practitioner prescriptive  authority Is regulated by:

42. Which of the following is a side effect or precaution associated with ACE inhibitors?  

43. A patient in need of myocardial infarction prophylaxis has been prescribed sulfinpyrazone for gout. Which of the following will the nurse monitor the patient most closely for?

44. A patient has been prescribed zolpidem (Ambien) for short-term treatment of insomnia. Which of the following will the nurse include in a teaching plan for this patient? (Select all that apply.)

45. A 79-year-old woman who takes several medications for a variety of chronic health problems has been prescribed an oral antiplatelet aggregator that is to be taken once daily. The nurse has encouraged the woman to take the pill at the same time of day that she takes some of her other medications. What is the most likely rationale for the nurse's advice

46. Glucocorticoids affect the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fats.

47. Which of the following oral medications is the safest to use during pregnancy?

48. The  Family nurse practitioner prescribed losartan 50 mg PO daily for a hypertensive patient. This medication promotes vasodilation by:

49. The NP knows that lithium levels should be measured while patients are on lithium therapy.  The NP also recognizes that lithium has a 

50. A patient who is a steroid-dependent asthmatic is started on a beclomethasone inhaler. Which should be part of patient education?

51. A 70-year-old man who enjoys good health began taking low-dose aspirin several months ago based on recommendations that he read in a magazine article. During the man's most recent visit to his care provider, routine blood work was ordered and the results indicated an unprecedented rise in the man's serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. How should a nurse best interpret these findings?

52. You are seeing a 65 year old  male with a long history of COPD who has recently developed hypertension. Which class of antihypertensive agents should the Nurse Practitioner avoid for this patient?

53. After a recent history of shortness of breath that has become increasingly severe, a woman has been prescribed ipratropium by MDI while she undergoes a diagnostic workup. What patient teaching should the nurse provide to this patient?

54. A 62-year-old woman has been prescribed a fentanyl transdermal patch for chronic cancer pain. The patient asks the nurse how long it will take for her to experience pain relief. The nurse will instruct the patient that she should feel pain relief in approximately

55. A Nurse Practitioner is discussing with a patient the efficacy of a drug that his physician has suggested, and he begin taking. Efficacy of a drug means which of the following?

56. Some first-generation antihistamines are used: 

57. A female patient is taking 0.125 mg of digoxin daily for heart failure. At a recent clinic visit she reports that since she has been on the drug, she can breathe better and her heart rate has been around 74 beats per minute. The nurse weighs the patient and notices that she has gained 10 pounds since the digoxin therapy was started. The patient is concerned that the additional weight will necessitate an increase in the medication. Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?

58. Decongestants are recommended to use in which of the following patients?

59. Glargine (Lantus) is an insulin analog that essentially has no peak and is usually administered:

60. The Nurse Practitioner  is following up on a patient who is experiencing acute asthma problems. Albuterol (Proventil) by metered-dose inhaler (MDI) has been ordered as treatment. Which patient response would indicate to the family nurse practitioner that the patient understands how to take the medication?

61. Which antihypertensive agent is associated with hair growth?

62. A patient has recently been prescribed a drug that treats his hypertension by blocking the sympathetic receptors in his sympathetic nervous system. This action is characteristic of

63. What is associated with chronic overtreatment with levothyroxine (Synthroid)?

64. The APRN is seeing Mrs. Smith, age 77, who is here for follow up of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and depression. What should you consider during her follow-up?

65. A 24-year-old factory worker has been prescribed guaifenesin for the first time. Which of the following will be a priority assessment by the nurse before the patient's first dose?

66. A patient comes to the clinic asking for help to quit drinking alcohol. She has a 21-year history of heavy drinking and is worried about developing cirrhosis of the liver. The patient agrees to take disulfiram (Antabuse). The nurse will teach the patient that the combination of alcohol and Antabuse will cause which of the following?

67. The  nurse practitioner has prescribed elemental iron 6 mg/kg/day in three divided doses for a toddler diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. What instructions would the family nurse practitioner include for the parents?

68. Federal legislation dictates a lengthy and rigorous process of testing for new drugs. What is the primary purpose of this testing process?

69. A 34-year-old male patient is prescribed methimazole (MMI). The Nurse Practitioner will advise him to report which of the following immediately?

70. A mother brings her 4-year-old child, who is vomiting and has a temperature of 103°F into the emergency department (ED). The ED physician orders acetaminophen (Tylenol) for the fever. The best form of Tylenol to give the child, considering her presentation, would be

71. Which medication class is recognized for the treatment of moderate to severe dementia?

72. Ginger, a 25 year old female presents at the clinic with known history of depression.  She reports taking an SSRI with only partial relief.  Which of the following drugs can be used safely at any dose in conjunction with an SSRI?

73. Mr. Lastinger was prescribed warfarin sodium (Coumadin).  You advise him to avoid eating large amounts of leafy green vegetables because:

74. Your patient is on Atorvastatin 40 mg daily, and presents for their routine follow up appointment.  They complain of extreme fatigue, muscle aches, and dark colored urine. What is your best course of action given presentation?

75. The point in time on the drug concentration curve that indicates the first sign of a therapeutic effect is the 

76. A common side effect of metformin (Glucophage) therapy is: 

77. Ms. Neely was placed on fluoxetine about 8 weeks ago and is doing well on the medication.  When initially prescribed the medication, she asks you about the common side effects of this type of medication.  Which choice below is correct?

78. Biguanides control hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes primarily by acting at which organ?

79. A Nurse Practitioner is providing discharge planning for a 45-year-old woman who has a prescription for oral albuterol. The Nurse Practitioner will question the patient about her intake of which of the following?

80. Mr. Penny, age 67, was diagnosed with chronic angina several months ago and has been unable to experience adequate relief of his symptoms. As a result, his physician has prescribed ranolazine (Ranexa). Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of ranolazine for the treatment of this patient's angina?

81. Ms. Simpson has a known history of asthma. She is on Theophylline daily.  The NP contemplates giving her an antibiotic for her respiratory infection. The NP knows that which choice below could elevate theophylline levels?

82. Which of the following statements accurately describes digoxin? 

83. Mr. Johnson is an 80 year old male who  is on Digoxin therapy. The Nurse Practitioner knows they should monitor the older adult patient for which of the most common adverse reactions of digoxin?

84. A patient with a history of bronchial asthma is seen in the clinic for increased episodes of difficulty breathing. He has been taking theophylline 100 mg PO tid. He is 40 years old and obese with an 16-pack-year history of cigarette smoking and excessive intake of coffee daily. He eats a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet. Which identified factors decrease the therapeutic effects of the theophylline?

85. A patient comes to the clinic asking for help to quit drinking alcohol. She has a 21-year history of heavy drinking and is worried about developing cirrhosis of the liver. The patient agrees to take disulfiram (Antabuse). The nurse will teach the patient that the combination of alcohol and Antabuse will cause which of the following?

86. The Elderly are at high risk of  Adverse Drug Reactions due to:

87. A patient on valproic acid may experience which of the following symptoms?

88. A 53-year-old man has been treated for severe asthma for several years with prednisone. Recently, his physician initiated alternate-day therapy for him. The patient tells the nurse that he would rather take the medication every day to prevent confusion. Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse?

89. Following an endoscopy, a 66-year-old man has been diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer resulting from Helicobacter pylori infection. Which of the following medications will likely be used in an attempt to eradicate the patient's H. pylori infection? (Select all that apply.)

90. In which of the following patients would a Nurse Practitioner expect to experience alterations in drug metabolism?

91. A Nurse Practitioner is caring for a patient who is diabetic and has been diagnosed with hypertension. An angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, has been prescribed for her. Which of the following should the Nurse Practitioner assess before beginning drug therapy?

92. Mr. Contreras is a 64-year-old patient with Type 2 diabetes. He has recently been diagnosed with hypertension. Which antihypertensive drug is the recommended choice to treat hypertension in patients with diabetes?

93. To minimize the risk of adverse effects of glucagon when given to an unconscious diabetic patient, as the patient regains consciousness, the nurse should

94. A male patient is to begin glyburide (Diabeta) for type 2 diabetes. Before the drug therapy begins, a priority action by the nurse will be to assess the patient's

95. A patient with a known history of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) presents to the clinic 4 days after developing a cold. He tells you he began experiencing a sore throat and nasal congestion and began to take an over the counter decongestant.  Today, he complains of not urinating over the last 12 hours.  He also has suprapubic fullness on exam.  Which of the following medications are most likely responsible for this patient's urinary retention?

96. A 76-year-old woman has a complex medical history that includes emphysema, osteoporosis, malnutrition, and hypothyroidism. Recently, the woman fell outside her home as a result of weakness and suffered a fracture to her femoral head. The woman's subsequent hip-replacement surgery has been scheduled and the care team recognizes that the use of isoflurane will be most significantly influenced by

97. A female patient, age 36, is prescribed inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) for daily use. Which of the following adverse effects should the nurse closely monitor for in this patient?

98. A patient is being treated for respiratory infection. He is a recovering alcoholic and has impaired liver function. The nurse will instruct the patient to be especially cautious when taking

99. Which of the following conditions is a contraindication for pioglitazone (Actos). 

100. The family of a Parkinson’s patient brings him to the clinic because he is experiencing increasing difficulty with ambulation. The family nurse practitioner increases the patient’s dose of carbidopa (25 mg)/levodopa (100 mg) (Sinemet 25–100 mg) from three to four times daily. What is important for the family nurse practitioner to teach the family regarding the increase in the dose of this medication?

Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
  • $30.00

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