PSYC 3003 Week 1 Test (Ver 1)

  • PSYC 3003 Week 1 Test (Ver 1)

PSYC 3003 Week 1 Quiz

1. Deception within an experiment can become unethical when

2. What is the major difference between applied and basic research?

3. Which one of the following is NOT part of informed consent?

4. Which of the following is NOT accomplished by the scientific method?

5. A survey that reports the average income of all citizens in Washington, DC, is most likely an example of

6. There must be at least __________ individuals on the panel of the IRB, including at least one individual whose primary interest is in a nonscientific domain.

7. The basic goal of behavioral research is to

8. Which of the following are potential benefits of scientific research?

9. When the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater than those encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine tests, we say that the risk is

10. In order to make decisions about ethical dilemmas in research, psychologists consult

11. In an experiment in which participants have been asked to think about their failures, the experimenter asks them to think about their successes before they leave. This is an example of which of the following?

12. A participant who chooses not to complete an experiment after it has begun

13. An example of basic research is the study of

14. Behavioral scientists believe that the best tool for understanding human behavior is to

15. Which of the following describes a correlational research design?

16. Which of the following correlation coefficients is the weakest?

17. One of the major difficulties involved in studying human beings is that

18. Experiments

19. When is a suspicion check used?

20. A researcher who uses knowledge of a person’s intelligence to predict an ability to do well as a lawyer is using which type of research design?

21. In which of the following situations could individuals be vulnerable to excessive inducement or pressure to participate in research?

22. It is hypothesized that “absence makes the heart grow fonder” in that people are more attracted to those people that they see less often. What type of correlation is predicted between the frequency of seeing someone and attraction?

23. Public criticism of psychological research seems to occur primarily when

24. A research design is

25. When no information identifying the participant is taken by the researcher, the collected data are said to be

26. In the research by Brendl, Chattopadhyay, Pelham, and Carvallo (2005) on preference for letters of one’s own name, the participants drank two teas, one that contained letters of their own name and one that contained letters of another person’s name. This systematic variation, which was created by the research, means that the research was which of the following?

27. When research consists of verbal summaries of “naturally occurring, ordinary events in natural settings” the research is

28. A study in which participants are fully informed about the nature of the research and asked to behave “as if” they were in a social setting of interest is known as a(n)

29. Which of the following is important when using animals as research participants?

30. Which is NOT one of the four basic goals of ethical research?


Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
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