PSYC 3003 Week 3 Test (Ver 1)

  • PSYC 3003 Week 3 Test (Ver 1)

PSYC 3003 Week 3 Test

1. A researcher indicates the experimental condition of an experiment using the number 1 and the control condition using the number 2. What kind of variable is being used?

2. When choosing a measure to use for a study, it is important to

3. The nomological net refers to

4. Which of the following is a type of participant reactivity?

5. An example of a conceptual variable is _________; an example of a measured variable is___________.

6. Which of the following equations represents the relationship between true score, actual score, and reliability?

7. Which of the following is a correct statement?

8. If it is found that people’s self-esteem changes quickly—for instance, from day to day—then self-esteem should be considered to be

9. Discriminant validity refers to

10. In order to study the conceptual variable of ____________, a researcher might use the behavioral measure of ____________.

11. Which of the following best describes the Rorschach inkblot test?

12. A researcher who used a self-report measure of job interest to predict performance on a managerial task would be interested in the _____ of her self-report measure.

13. Kappa is used

14. A scale that asks participants to check off as many items as apply from a list is probably which type of scale?

15. Conceptual variables are turned into measured variables using

16. Which of the following is true about the difference between random and systematic error?

17. Measuring how many times a person bites their nails in a two-hour period is an example of

18. A measure of schizophrenia that measures only elements of auditory hallucinations, but not other symptoms of schizophrenia, would be said to have

19. Donna is in a two-part experiment. She completed a self-esteem measure one week ago and is now taking the same measure again. Which of the following problems may arise from this process?

20. About half of the items on a Likert scale should be reverse-scored in order to

21. Franklin is interested in determining what college students do in their everyday lives. He gives some students a beeper and asks them to wear it around for a few days. The beeper is programmed to go off at randomly determined times. Whenever the beeper goes off, students are asked to write down where they are and what they were thinking about at the time. Franklin’s measure could be best considered as which of the following measures?

22. A researcher measures participants’ speed to push a button on the computer when a stimulus is presented on the computer screen. Which of the following measurement scales describes this reaction time measure?

23. If the average correlation among the items on an anxiety scale is r = .95, we can say that the scale has

24. An ordinal scale could be used to measure which of the following?

25. Which of the following is the best operational definition of the conceptual variable of attraction?

26. William decides to study differences in student’s interest in their psychology class. He figures that people who are more interested in the class will come to class more often, so he keeps track of class attendance. In William’s research project, interest in the class is which of the following?

27. A semantic differential scale that contains 15 percent random error would be considered

28. Researchers are more likely to achieve reliable observations when

29. A researcher has developed a new test of “interpersonal skills.” It consists of measuring a person’s shoe size. The test shows a test-retest reliability of .85. It appears that this test has __________ and ___________.

30. Which of the following would be likely to improve the reliability and validity of a measure?


Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date Walden University
  • $9.99

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