AGNP Board Exam Question and Answers - Endocrinology Assessment

  • AGNP Board Exam Question and Answers - Endocrinology Assessment

AGNP BOARD EXAM QUESTIONS Assessment question of Endocrinology (48 Question and Answers)

1. The earliest recognizable clinical manifestation(s) of cystic fibrosis in an infant is:

2. If a newborn is suspected of having congenital hypothyroidism, which clinical manifestation would be evident?

3. The appearance of breast development in girls before the age of 8 years is termed:

4. A butterfly-shaped gland located in the middle of the neck below the larynx and above the clavicles is the:

5. When auscultating the enlarged thyroid with a stethoscope, a bruit is suggestive of:

6. During assessment of the thyroid, a fixed, firm, nontender large mass is noted. These findings describe:

7. A hormonal disorder in adults resulting from the overproduction of growth hormones is known as:

8. Hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes can be seen in patients who:

9. Women with hyperthyroidism often experience:

10. A 20-year-old with acanthosis nigricans should be evaluated for:

11. Which one of the following groups of symptoms would be more consistent in a child with type 2 diabetes mellitus?

12. A 30-year-old woman is taking phenytoin (Dilantin) for seizures. She has recent hair loss and anorexia but is craving salty foods. Her lab results show abnormally high cortisol levels. These symptoms suggest:

13. Based on the 2-hour glucose tolerance test (GTT), a positive result for gestational diabetes is:

14. Which of the following is NOT a complaint of patients with type 1 diabetes?

15. Hypofunctioning of the thyroid gland would lead to all the following disorders except:

16. The most common cause of death in children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis is:

17. When assessing the thyroid gland, the nurse practitioner palpates for abnormalities while asking the patient to:

18. A patient has an enlarged thyroid gland with an audible bruit. The examiner should suspect:

19. Myxedema is a symptom commonly found in patients diagnosed with:

20. A 13-year-old girl presents with complaints of insomnia and hyperactivity along with gradual weight loss despite a good appetite. She has warm, flushed, and moist skin and unusually fine hair. These manifestations are indicative of which one of the following conditions?

21. Children with type 1 diabetes mellitus usually present with which one of the following symptoms?

22. A six-year-old has a history of diabetes mellitus type I and is now experiencing cellulitis of the right lower leg. The child presents with deep, rapid, and unlabored respirations, fruity odor, and dry skin. These are symptoms of:

23. Which electrolyte is regulated by the parathyroid gland?

24. Which of the following is NOT considered a benign tumor of the pituitary gland?

25. Which of the following is NOT associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?

26. A common clinical term used to refer to women with an excess growth of terminal hair in a male pattern is:

27. Which hemoglobin A1C level is typically used to diagnose type 2 diabetes?

28. A sweat test is used to help diagnose:

29. Hyperfunctioning of the thyroid gland could lead to all the following disorders except:

30. Symptoms of underdeveloped ovaries, web-like neck, and short stature are associated with:

31. A life-threatening symptom of parathyroid hormone (PTH) deficiency, hypoparathyroidism, is:

32. A 29-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) complains of facial swelling. She has been on a prolonged course of corticosteroids. On assessment, moon face appearance is noted. She has most likely developed:

33. A finding NOT identified in boys diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome is:

34. Thyrotoxicosis is most commonly associated with:

35. A 9 year old girl had a history of tuberculosis when she was 6 years old. She presents with recent weight loss and anorexia. Along with her presenting symptoms, which one of the following assessment findings would be most indicative of Addison's disease?

36. What is the earliest recognizable clinical manifestation(s) of cystic fibrosis in a child?

37. Fruity breath odor correlates with assessment for:

38. Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland is caused by a deficiency of:

39. Symptoms of Graves' disease include:

40. A general term for an enlarged thyroid is:

41. The presence of pubic hair in girls between the age of 5 and 8 years is termed:

42. Breastfeeding is contraindicated for an infant diagnosed with which one of the following conditions?

43. A common symptom noted in patients who have a thyroid goiter is:

44. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)?

45. A common arrhythmia associated with hyperthyroidism is:

46. Bilateral exophthalmos suggests:

47. When a patient presents with myxedema coma, which one of the following groups of symptoms may be present?

48. Examination of the hair reveals a sparse amount with a coarse appearance. This finding may be seen in patients who have:


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