AGNP Board Exam Question and Answers - Mens Health Assessment

  • AGNP Board Exam Question and Answers - Mens Health Assessment

AGNP BOARD EXAM QUESTIONS Men's health Assessment (17 Questions)

1. When palpating the prostate gland during the rectal exam, the prostate feels tender, swollen, “boggy,” and warm. This finding is consistent with:

2. A 31-year-old man with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection states that he has been having urinary frequency, hesitancy, fever, and nocturia. Considering his medical history, he should be evaluated for:

3. A 30-year-old man who has a history of heart disease will present with which symptom related to the development of arteriosclerosis?

4. At what age should a practitioner suggest a colonoscopy for a male patient as part of primary care screening?

5. When the scrotum is transilluminated in a 4-month-old boy, it lights up brightly. This finding may be consistent with:

6. When examining the prostate gland the examiner should inform the patient that this procedure may:

7. An occurrence of benign mammary tissue hypertrophy in men that causes enlargement of the breast tissue is called:

8. When palpating the prostate gland during the rectal exam, the prostate feels enlarged and nontender. This finding is consistent with:

9. Which screening is commonly used in the diagnosis of prostate cancer in men 50 years and older?

10. Which examination finding is defined as a congenital ventral displacement of the meatus on the penis?

11. A 26-year-old man with a past medical history of sickle cell disease arrives at the office with complaints of a penile erection that has lasted 4 hours. He is experiencing symptoms of:

12. When palpating the prostate gland during the rectal exam, an area of hardness is noted on the posterior side of the gland. This finding is most consistent with:

13. During assessment of a 3-month-old boy, an incomplete descent of the left testicle into the scrotum is noted. The practitioner understands that:

14. When assessing for the presence of a direct inguinal hernia in a man, the practitioner should palpate for a distinct bulge while instructing the patient to:

15. A 21-year-old man presents with complaints of a palpable, painless, freely movable cystic mass in the scrotum. On assessment, the mass transilluminates and measures 2.5 cm in size. These findings suggest:

16. An 18-year-old man presents with an acute onset of left testicular pain and loss of cremasteric reflex on the affected side. These findings suggest:

17. A 30-year-old man is seen in the clinic for complaints of scrotal irritation, bilateral testicular pain, and enlarged lymph nodes in the groin that began 2 weeks after having unprotected intercourse. This subjective history describes:



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