NSG 6435 Final Exam Study Guide 2

  • NSG 6435 Final Exam Study Guide 2

NSG 6435 Final Exam

1. Expected inc in wt: birth-3 mo

2. Expected inc in wt: 3-6 mo

3. Expected inc in wt: 6-12 mo

4. Expected inc in wt: 1-2 years

5. Expected inc in wt: 2 yr-adolescence

6. Expected inc in height: 0-12 mo

7. Expected inc in height: 13-24 mo

8. Expected inc in height: 2 years to adolescence

9. When does head growth occur?

10. Expected inc in head circumference: 0-2mo

11. Expected inc in head circumference: 2-6 mo

12. Expected inc in head circumference: by 12 mo

13. inorganic causes of FTT

14. head circumference abnormalities

15. causes of microcephaly

16. elevated ICP in peds clinical signs

17. live vaccines

18. Prevnar immunization schedule

19. acuteLead intoxication in child

20. chronic lead intoxication

21. timeline for tooth eruption

22. Till what age does child ride in rear facing car seat

23. Nutrition in newborn

24. 2 months sleep schedule and feeding/stooling schedule

25. When should you introduce cows milk

26. developmental domains

27. Infants w/ CNS injuries show ______ and _____-_______ primitive reflexes

28. When do primitive reflexes disappear?

29. Gross motor milestones

Birth: 2mo: 4mo: 6mo: 9mo: 12mo:

30. Motor development 

31. primitive reflexes(4)

Postural reactions(2)

32. Fine motor milestone: birth: 3-4mo: 4-5mo: 6-7 mo: 9 mo: 12mo:

33. Red flags in motor development(4)

34. Basic language milestones

2-3mo: 6mo: 9-12mo: 12mo: 18mo: 2yr: 3yr:

35. Ddx of speech/language delay

36. Object permanence apparent at __ mo.  This is why they get ______ _____ at 6-18mo

37. Cerebral palsy def

38. Classification of CP

39. Autism clinical features(5)

40. Med eval for hearing loss

41. LEading causes of blindness in children

42. colic defn

43. Tx of uncomplicated nocturnal enuresis

44. tx for diurnal (Day) enuresis

45. What stage of sleep do nightmares occur?  Night terrors?

46. types of breath holding spells

47. First sign of puberty in boys(what age)

48. When does thelarche begin in females? What does it indicate?

49. Menarche occurs when? how long after thelarche?

50. Tanner Stage I

51. Tanner stage II male

52. Stage 3 Tanner=male

53. Stage 4 Tanner in male

54. Female breast development: Stage I

55. Female breast development: Stage 2

56. Female breast development: Stage 3

57. Female breast development: Stage 4

58. Female breast development: Stage 5

59. Early adolescence cx: 10-13 y/o

60. Middle adolescence cxs (14-17 yo)

61. late adolescence(18-21 yo)


63. Physical effects of Marijuana

64. Exam findings for Anorexia

65. lab findings in anorexia

66. difference between bulimia and anorexia

67. absolute contraindications to OCP

68. relative contraindications to OCPs

69. primary amenorrhea defn

70. amenorrhea w/up

71. Gynecomastia

72.Testicular torsion

73. Epididymitis: Etiology: Clinical: Dx: Management

74. Vernix caseosa

75. pallor in newborn

76. Jaundice is always abnl if detected within first __ hours of birth.  But common in the first few days.

77. milia

78. Pustular melanosis

79. Erythema toxicum neonatorum

80. MC vascular lesion of infancy

81. Strawberry hemangiomas

82. Caput succedaneum


84. lateral neck cysts or sinuses

85. Respiratory distress clinical signs in child

86. Nl HR in newborn

87. when to perform surgery on umbilical hernia? 

88. What is meconium ileus and what does it usually indicate?  When does child normally pass meconium stoo l?

89. Hydrometrocolpos

90. Absence or hypoplasia of raidus in newborn DDX

91. Edema of feet w/ hypoplastic nails cx of _____ and _____ syndromes

92. Cyanosis newborn

93. Causes of cyanosis in newborn

94. Tests in cyanotic infant

95. CC of resp distress in infant Clinical s/sxs

96. RDS DDx

97. Resp pathology affecting lungs? Airways?

98. Tx of RDS

99. Reason for physiologic jaundice

100. ddx of indirect hyperbilirubinemia

101. Ddx of hyperbilirubinemia

102. Eval of Indirect hyperbilirubinemia

103. Eval for direct hyperbilirubinemia

104. complications of indirect bilirubin

105. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia CF: Eval: Management:

106. intestinal obstruction in neonate ddx

107. NEC, CF: Eval: Management:

108. INfants of DM mothers(IDM) CF: Eval: Management:

109. Possible infection hx questions

110. <3 mo eval of fever: labs, MC bacterial pathogens, who gets hospitalized

111. Fever of unk origin defn and w/up

112. MCC of FUO(Fever of unk origin)

113.2nd MCC of FUO

114. 3rd MCC of FUO

Lymphoma, leukemia

115. RF for meningitis.  What age is highest incidence found?

116. CF of Meningitis

117. Dx for meningitis bacterial

118. early empiric abx therapy for bacterial meningitis: newborns(0-28 days) Young infants: (1-3mo) Older infants and children(>3mo)

119. Abx therapy for meningitis

120. MC complication of meningitis

121. other complications of meningitis besides hearing loss

122. CSF findings for TB meningitis

123. Causes of Aseptic meningitis

124. Common cold viruses

125. CF of sinusitis: MC organisms

126. Acute, subacute and chronic sinusitis differences

127. Pharyngitis etiology MCCs

128. EBV pharyngitis sxs

129. Coxsackievirus pharyngitis

130. cx of GABHS(Strep throat)

131. Tx of GAS strep throat

132. Ddx of cervical lymphadenitis(6)

133. dx of cervical lymphadenitis

134. Etiology of parotitis

135. dx of parotitis

136. Impetigo vs erysipelas etiology

137. mcc of Toxic shock syndrome

138. Diagnostic criteria for TSS

139. MC viral causes of diarrheal disease

140. Rotavirus epidemiology: CF: Dx: Managment

141. Norwalk virus Epi: CF Dx Management

142. causes of bloody diarrhea

143. which bacterial infectious diarrheal diseases cause WBCs in stool

144. HUS s/sxs

145. Shigella tx

146. Early CF of HIV in first year of life

147. management of HIV + mom and possibel negative HIV status newborn

148. which vaccine should HIV positive child not receive

149. complications of HIV infection

150. PCP CF

151. tx of PCP

152. IMO CF

153. Dx of IMO

154. how do you test for EBV in child <4 yo?

155. Complications of EBV infection

156. CF of measles(rubeola)

157. MCC of mortality in measles infeciton.  Other complications

158. rubella CF

159. congenital toxoplasmosis

160. Pinworm infection CF and tx

161. Ascaris CF and tx

162. RMSG Etiology, Epi, CF, Labs, Dx, Managemnt

163. Cat scratch disease Eti, CF, Dx, tx

164. inspiratory stridor on exam think what diagnosis

165. expiratory wheezing on exam think what diagnosis

166. crackles/rales on exam: think what two diagnosis

167. epiglottitis

168. Tx of epiglottitis

169. Croup defn, etio, CF, tx

170. tx of croup

171. westley croup score

172. MC LRTI in first 2 years of life

173. bronchiolitis etio, CF

174. tx of bronchiolitis

175. typical causes of PNA in 0-3 mo

176. typical causes of PNA: 3-5 mo

177. typical causes of PNA age 6 and above

178. CF of PNA

179. DDx of wheezing

180. Ddx of recurrent or chronic wheezing in child

181. Intermittent asthma

182. Mild persistent asthma

183. moderate persistent asthma

184. severe persistent asthma

185. Cystic fibrosis

186. CF of Cystic fibrosis

187. Cystic fibrosis dx

188. CF of cystic fibrosis

189. CLD(BPD) defn, etio an PP,  CF

190. Apnea of infancy

191. SIDS peak incidence ages, RF, etio

192. Vitamin A def s/sxs

193. Vit D def s/sxs

194. Vit E def s/sxs

195. Vit B1 def s/sxs

196. marasmus

197. Kwashiorkor

198. Celiac disease CF, eval, management

199. Short bowel syndrome PP

200. CF of physiologic reflux(GER)

201. CF of pathologic reflux(GERD)

202. intestinal anatomic obstructions that result in vomiting

203. CF and dx of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

204. CF of malrotation and midgut volvulus

205. Duodenal atresia and stenosis CF eval and management

206. Intussusception Epi, PP, CF

207. Tx of intussusception

208. Chronic abdominal pain: organic and non organic(functional): organic causes normal stool patterns

210. Functional fecal retention PP, etio, and CF

211. Organic causes of constipation

212. what sxs suggests organic cause of constipation

213. Causes of UGIB

214. LGIB causes: neonate(birth-1mo)

215. LGIB causes: Infant/young child(1mo-2 yrs)

216. LGIB causes: preschool(2-5 yr)

217. LGIB causes: school age(>5 yr)

218. NEC should be considered in any newborn who presernts w/?

219. Juvenile polys CF and incidence.  Tx?

220. Allergic colitis

221. Elevated bilirubin causes?

222. MCC of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia

223. Causes of conjugated bilirubin(cholestasis)

224. CF of cholestasis

225. Defn of neonatal hepatits

226. Biliary atresia: defn, CF

227. Dx of biliary atresia

228. Alagille syndrome

229. viruses that cause viral hepatitis

230. Autoimmune hepatitis Categories, defn, CF

231. CF of autoimmune hepatitis

232. Maintenance water requirement calculated form pts weight

233. Parenteral rehydration occurs in two phases: Emergency phase and repletion phase

234. Microscopic hematuria

235. hematuria ddx

236. Proteinuria defn

237. Classification of proteinuria

238. nephrotic syndrome

239. Nephritic syndrome

240. MCC of acute glomerulonephritis?  MCC of chronic GN?

241. CF PSGN

242. Dx of PSGN

243. Tx of PSGN.  Does abx help dec risk of PSGN?  Rheumatic fever?

244. IgA nephropathy Etio: CF: Dx: tx:

245. HSP nephritis Defn CF

246. Nephrotic syndrome defn

247. Categories of Nephrotic syndrome

248. CF of nephrotic syndrome

249. Dx of Nephrotic syndrome

250. massive edema with nephrotic syndrome

251. MCD tx

252. HUS defn

253. CF of HUS

254. Alports syndrome

255. MCC of renal mass in newborn

256. ADPKD Epi, CF, prgnosis

257. ETiology of HTN in children

258. HTN in neonates and young infants

259. HTN MCC in child 1-10 yo

260. Adolescents MCC of HTN

261. CF of renal failure

262. Chronic renal insufficiency and ESRD Etiology

263. prerenal causes of Renal failure w/ labs

264. Renal parenchymal causes of acute renal failure w/ labs

265. Postrenal causes of ARF and labs

266. Congenital obstructive abnl in urinary tract

267. Renal abnl:

268. Renal agenesis

269. Renal dysplasia

270. VUR

271. Dx of VUR

272. Etiology of stones in childhood

273. UTI sxs in older infants, young child, older child

274. UA suggestive of UTI

275. what should all children with first febrile UTI have?

Children w/ recurrent UTI, pyelo, all males, all girsl <4 yo w/ cystitis?

276. Neonate w/ UTI abx tx

277. AFP elevation causes

278. Triple marker to assess for trisomy conditions made up of what tests

279. Prader Willi syndrome

280. Angelman syndrome

281.Noonan syndrome

282. Velocardiofacial syndrome

283. blue sclerae, fragile bones, yellow or gray blue teeth, easy bruisability

284. VACTERL assoc

285. CHARGE assoc

286. Williams syndrome

287. Down syndrome CF

288. MR, hypertonia, small facial features, clenched hands, rocker bottom feet

289. Holoprosencephaly, szs, severe MR, microphthalmic, cleft lip/palate.  midline defects

290. short stature, webbed neck, shield chest, swelling of dorsum of hands and feets, ovarian dysgenesis, L sided cardiac defects(coarctation)

291. Klinefelters syndrome

292. Achondroplasia

293. Potter syndrome

294. Fetal alcohol syndrome

295. Cig smoking teratogen

296. homocystinuria Cause, CF, dx

297. Cystinuria

298. Signs of hyperammonemia(>200micromoles)

299. PKU Inheritance, CF, Dx, Management

300. Ornithine transcarbamylase def

301. Galactosemia Inheritance, CF, Dx, Tx

302. Hereditary fructose intolerance

303. GSDs cx by _______ and ____ ______

304. Von Gierkes disease

305. Pompes disease

306. Lysosomal storage diseases

307. tay sachs

308. Gaucher disease

309. Niemann pick disease

310. porphyria CF

311. triggers of porphyria

312. Short stature defn

313. diff between normal variant short stature and pathologic short stature

314. Children who grow __ inches per year between ___ years of age and pubety usualy do not have an endocrinopathy or underlying pathologic d/o

two MC categories of normal variant short stature

316. Familial short stature

317. consitutional short stature

318. causes of disproportionate pathologic short stature

319. Causes of proportionate short stature

320. Pts w/ poor growth velocity w/ normal screening labs but low IGF-1 and delayed bone age should have w/up for....

321. Bone age<chronologic age

322. Bone age=chronologic age

323. Endocrinopathies that cause short stature

324. CF of GH deficiency

325. onset of female puberty?  Menstruation? Male puberty onset.  First sign?

327. Precocious puberty def

328. Premature thelarche

329. Central precocious puberty

330. Peripheral precocious puberty

331. Etiology of PPP

332. Delayed puberty ages

333. Two categoires od delayed puberty

334. Causes of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

335. Causes of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism

336. primary adrenal insufficiency

337. Cuases of Seocndary adrenal insufficiency and s/sxs

338. CAH MCC, s/sxs

339. 11B hydroxylase def

340. DKA defn and PP

341. CF of DKA

342. Labs in DKA

343. Tx of DKA

344. Etiology of central DI

345. Etiology of Nephrogenic DI

X linked recessive d/o

346. Causes of CHF: congenital and acquired

347. CF of CHF

348. Tx of CHF

349. Acyanotic congenital HD

350. MC type of ASD

351. MC heart lesion in Down syndrome

352. when are large VSDs w/ pulmonary HTN usually closed?  Small to mod VSDS?

353. what are indications for intervention in AS

354. Cyanotic congenital Heart disease

355. Noncardiac causes of central cyanosis

356. MC cardiac causes of central cyanosis

357. Eval of cyanosis

358. TOF

359. CF of TOF

360. Acquired heart disease

361. ETiology of infective endocarditis

362. Dx of Infective endocarditis

363. signs of bacterial endocarditis: FROM  JANE

364. Etiology of Pericarditis

365. Etiology of myocarditis

366. dx of myocarditis

367. DCM etiology

368. myocarditis sxs

369. HOCM on exam/ ECG, ECho

370. SVT defn and PP

371. CF of SVT

372. management of SVT

373. Long Qt syndrome, Etiology

374. CF of long QT syndrome/ dx

375. Chest pain in child

376. CP in child ddx

377. Cyanosis in newborn w/ L axis deviation and LVH on ECG

378. Systolic murmur of pulmonary stenosis and RVH on ECG

379. HSP defn, CF

380. dx of HSP

381. Kawasaki disease Defn and epi

382. Dx criteria of kawasaki

383. Other CF not diagnostic of Kawasaki

384. labs for kawasaki disease

385. Tx of Kawasaki

386. JRA CF, age of onset

387. Dx of JRA

388. tx of JRA


390. Rhem markers of Lupus

391. tx of lupus

392. Dermatomyositis CF

393. Dx of Dermatomyo

394. Tx of Dermatomyo

395. Rheumatic fever defn

396. Can strep skin infections cause rheumatic fever

397. CF of Rheumatic fever

398. Dx of RF

399. Labs in RF

400. Tx of RF

401. CF of lyme

402. Dx of lyme

403. seronegative spondylarthropathies

404. Reiters disease triad

405. Cx of seroneg spondyloarthropathies

406. scaly skin plaque, nail pitting, onycholysis, arthritis of small/large joints

407. Asian F adolescent or young adult, w/ systemic signs, aneurysmal dilation or thrombosis of aorta, carotid, or subclavian arteris

408. sinusitis, hemoptysis, glomerulonephritis, systemic signs. Affects kidneys, lungs

409. sicca syndrome(dry mouth and eyes), high titers o autoantibodies(usually ANA or RF), and CT disease

410. CREST syndrome

411. Erbs palsy

412. Klumpkes palsy

413. Nursemaids elbow

414. Anterior shoulder dislocation

415. Torticollis types and C

416. Scoliosis tx

417. DDx of back pain in child

418. CC of back pain in child

419. Diskitis CF, dx, tx

420. DDH epi, CF, dx

421. Dx of DDH

422. tx of DDH

423. painful Limp ddx in childhood-The joint STARTSS HOTT

424. orther causes of limps: DDLLL

426. labs in septic arthritis

427. dx of transient synovitis

428. tx of transietn synovitis

429. Legg Calve Perthes disease CF, dx, tx

430. SCFE epi, C, dx, tx, complications

431. Osteomyelitis Etio, CF, dx, imaging, Tx, complications

432. internal tibial torsion epi, CF, tx

433. out toeing epi, etio, CF, tx

434. when should genu varum resolve?  tx if not?

435. Blount disease epi etio, CF, dx, tx

436. OSgood Schlatter disease

437. patellofemoral syndrome

438. Compression fx

439. Salter Harris Classification for physeal fx(growth plate fxs)

440. MCC of clavicular fx in childhood and neonates

441. tx of clavicular fxs

442. supracondylar fx

443. if suspect supracondylar fx what should you not do?

444. common types of forearm fxs

445. Toddlers fx

446. Hgb is ____ at birth in most newborns and normally ____ reaching physiologic _____ point between __ and __ mo of age in the term infant

447. two MC types of microcytic, hypochromic anemias during childhood

448. IDA

449. MAcrocytic anemia causes

450. microcytic hypochromic anemia causes

451. high reticulocyte count, normocytic normochromic anemia causes

452. low reticulocyte count normocytic normochromic anemia causes

453. labs for aneima

454. alpha thalassemia types and causes

455. B-thal major

456. Tx of B thal major

457. Macrocytic anemias labs and MC types

458. low reticulocyte count ddx

459. high reticulocyte count ddx

460. causes of microangiopathic anemia

461. G6PD PP, triggers, CF, labs, dx, tx

462. crises in Sickle cell disease

463. fever in sickle cell disease pt should have what labs

464. tx of sickle cell disease

465. fanconi anemia CF and inheritance

466. Diamond blackfan aanmia

467. Acquired aplastic anemia etio, CF, labs, tx

468. causes of secondary polycythemia

469. RElative Polycythemia

470. CF suggesting abnl hemostasis

471. Eval for

Institution & Term/Date
Term/Date South University
  • $30.00

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